Vekked;298226 wroteSample size is 3.5k hands I think. Fwiw with his sizing I think he can definitely 3B AQ and TT sometimes, but I think he flats AQ/TT sometimes as well. He definitely has some bluffs in there but not many, less than half of the time for sure.
This makes a large difference...didn't realize you played so much cash online.
Vekked;298228 wroteI also think he expects me to have KQ here nearly 100% of the time, and QQ nearly 0% of the time, JJ probably discounted as well b/c I 4-bet a decent amount (see: too much for cash) pre. One thing I think you guys might be underestimating is that he's jamming over 2x pot here, like a REALLY big jam. This isn't a thin value jam, I'd be extremely shocked if he took this line with AA. I think AA is like one of the nut hands for him to c-bet on this flop vs. my range too.
I need to rethink now..honestly..I didn't know you had this much history and now that we know he doesn't/wouldn't treat you as just some random that is playing out of his league, it certainly makes a difference.
If he takes QQ and JJ out of our range for the most part are we 4 betting these too often and not flatting enough?
Thing is..would he jam kk or jj here or make a reasonable size bet hoping you call him with KQ KJ 8x? He doesn't know we don't have 88 unless he has an 8 he has to have that slight inclination that we might have 88?? .Does he 3 bet with A8? probably not...but 89, 78...maybe..
I could just be rambling...I have been in and out of bed sick for 3 Will reread later and see what kind of nonsense I come up with..