betrthanphil;295968 wroteThere is post flop play, a guy can decide to pay the 750 with the idea that no matter what comes on the flop the other guy will shove the 550 therefore if he misses maybe he folds.....
neither are capable of this level of thinking
betrthanphil;295968 wrote I can maybe get behind this with kk or AA but even then any hand that will call the 750 will prob call the 1200....
I think in this spot 88 is AA, and the read is he will fold his junk to a shove. No idea whats going through his mind
betrthanphil;295968 wrote.and it is result oriented, how many people do you see doing this with q7?
only this player
betrthanphil;295968 wrote If you have more of a sample to show me that by all means show it.
my sample is that in all my hands ive never attempted this, but this is why its a fun brag, i could be right, but we'll never really know
btp is right i mean this should never be more optimal but really this is a 1 in 10k hands spot. i just didn't want to say it like that because ive been experimenting a little with monsters this way vs fish...but i think this is different and takes a certain person to do it against....
if i had to take a side, id tell people don't ever do this, but i stand behind it here.