I've always wondered why there isn't one. It's a no brainer.
From the picture in the the article it seems they play poker different in Woodland.
Get ready for club raids. :)
where would be the ideal place to put it? Personally i think if it does happen it should go into Woodbine
crazykoby;294368 wrotewhere would be the ideal place to put it? Personally i think if it does happen it should go into Woodbine
Yes was going to post 'welcoming wild speculation on where the casino would be'. At Christmas, someone I know was talking about poker coming to Woodbine. I didn't ask for specifics etc, not the time to get into it.
Of course I would love to see it by a subway stop but downtown costs too high? Interesting to put it by a subway as the article notes the casino would help fund public transit.
This is not news. OLG has wanted a casino in TO for 20 years. So what. Council will shoot it down just like they did when they were first building casinos in Ontario.
If city council wanted a casino in TO, that would be news.
crazykoby;294368 wrotewhere would be the ideal place to put it? Personally i think if it does happen it should go into Woodbine
where the current charity CNE casino is would make sense; it sits empty most of the year anyways. How about Centre Island :)
moose;294372 wroteThis is not news. OLG has wanted a casino in TO for 20 years. So what. Council will shoot it down just like they did when they were first building casinos in Ontario.
If city council wanted a casino in TO, that would be news.
Yes for me it ties into the 20+ year awaited TTC relief line.
pokerJAH;294374 wrotewhere the current charity CNE casino is would make sense; it sits empty most of the year anyways. How about Centre Island :)
See the / a proposed map here, Exhibition has a stop:
Downtown Relief Line - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(wow I finally hacked multi quoting, so sad)
Omg there is a reason ford was voted in
It's not just the City that has been opposed to a TO casino, but the province as well. You put a casino in Toronto, you will hurt Fallsview/Niagara, Rama, etc., as all the GTA folks will have a shorter commute to gambool. If it is ever going to happen, this is the right administration to get it done. Woodbine would be the site that makes the most sense, so that will never happen. CNE is the most likely, with the portlands having a shot, as well.
The poker room will probably suck anyhow......
JohnnieH;294445 wroteThe poker room will probably suck anyhow......
But maybe they could ask Zithal, Buzzzard, SteveKerr, AJ, you or the likes to run it?
they could take the circus out from the foot of the CN tower and turn it into a tourist mecca.
I for one hate taking the crappy bus for the 1.5 hr ride to Fallsview. I'm all for a casino in the city. Degens gonna degen anyways so why not do it in your backyard? You can't save people from themselves.
It looks like it is going be at Ontario Place. I won't be surprised if this passes shortly (within the next year or so) considering how much debt Ontario is in and the revenue the city wants.
Does the province own Ontario Place? If so, I doubt it goes there. Not exactly a "family-friendly" addition to their proposed renos. I know Mammoliti wants a ship-board casino on a trial basis (where HMCS Haida was berthed, I guess), so maybe the City owns the land. Still think Woodbine would be the best choice, especially if you want to set this up as a "destination" casino. Woodbine is near the airport, has the horsetrack for a sportsbook, would be easy to route transit through (for more than just T.O.), and has acres of land that is just sitting there.
compuease;294500 wroteBut maybe they could ask Zithal, Buzzzard, SteveKerr, AJ, you or the likes to run it?
I'm honoured to be among such company....
OLG's strategic review won't be released until at least March. Hopefully, its plans to get online poker running is sooner than another B&M casino.
If the goal is to maximize tourist dollars to help make up for the huge social costs of local degenerates gambooling away all their money, then it has to be near downtown Toronto, e.g., Ontario Place or CNE. There are a lot of locals who run out of bankroll during the 35 days of the CNE Casino, so a year-round open casino with more temptations than Fallsview will make the lives of many addicts' families worse. The main winners will be the governments getting more stupidity tax, the new employees ...
and winning poker grinders. >:D
GTA Poker
won't happen anytime in the near future
I don't think that having a casino 1.5 hours away in all directions saves problem gamblers from themselves. It only leads to broke problem gamblers who are stuck out of town and have no way to get home. (You see plenty of those both in Niagara Falls and on Rama Rez.)
But people are right that a casino in Toronto would totally murdalize both the two Niagara Falls casinos and Rama. Fallsview and Niagara are already hurting because of the Seneca and the Nazi general manager in charge of them, so a casino in Toronto might lead to both of them closing. Rama's traffic would be reduced to northern ontarians and Rama Rez inhabitants gambling away their own share of the casino profit.
The only way it makes sense for the Ontario government to put a casino in Toronto is if the increase in gambling activity compensates for the death of Fallsview, Niagara and Rama. Right now lots of GTA gamblers are discouraged by the longish trip to the existing casinos, and if they had a casino within the city, more of them might be inclined to visit it. The OLG has probably done the math on how much more activity a Toronto casino is going to have than goes on at the three other casinos now, and has to figure it's a net plus--even if it economically devastates the city of Niagara Falls and turns Rama Rez back into a dump.