philliivey;297523 wroteHey Scotty
Have liked some of your posts and such, but did you ever think of buying the seat when they were available?
Didn't even know they had went onsale. I was vacationing and at my parents home for longer than expected and put tons on my credit card over the holidays. I also threw a huge party on new years eve for my friends that kept me super busy.
When I finally got home and saw the thread I read this would be treated as a cash advance, so I paid off my balance + 1100 immediately to get around that (Jan 5 I think.) While waiting for the payment to process and my balance to go -1100, the tickets sold out because of profiteering people exploiting Fallsview's brutal policy
windbreaker;297529 wroteNot sure why you have so much venom for people taking advantage of the free market or people that are willing to pay for it. If you want to direct your issues with anyone...try the poker room. The best way to voice your concerns is directly to the room...and to boycott the room until there are changes.
Also your I don't see a difference with you coaching or you pay an additional premium for the seat...both are forms of currency.
I was offended that someone who I have been generous with in the past tried to rip me off for the maximum. I also think hes pretty stupid for breaking the law using his real name in a public forum.
I see your point about the currency thing. Its actually funny because the value of what I could teach someone is so much more than the short term gain of an extra couple hundred bucks. However, people are idiots, especially the majority of poker players. Thats why the game is so profitable.
costanza;297530 wroteAgree, Scotty, the seats were avail for a long time, just because you missed the boat and are now spouting your mouth off because people are doing the "proper" thing and charging vig because the seats are super hard to come by is your own fault.
Just be quiet, keep your opinions to yourself, buy the seat, and ship that motherfucker; Then, in your winning speech say fuck you to all the scalpers, hustlers and fallsview or something.
Much better way then bad mouthing the entire community and every player involved pretty much.
P.S- see you there.
I would argue breaking the law is quite far from the "proper" thing. Im an outspoken person, keeping my opinions to myself is easier said than done sometimes!
I will not be shy about letting the casino know how BS this is. From what I've heard, they wont give a shit, and that is unfortunate. If I win, I wont tip a penny.
Richard~;297534 wrotewell, they probably deserve being badmouthed. take advantage of enough retards and the whole community will become notorious
This is a big gripe of mine. Poker players are not viewed very highly in our society and things like this only justify that perception.
If you've played in the WSOP, there are tons of recreational fish and tons of online brats with no social skills and a chip on their shoulder. They sit at the table with their beats headphones and a scowl on their face, oftentimes with a holier than thou attitude towards the fish. Its despicable, especially considering how much better the fish are at the game of life. I am just as quick to call out that behavior at the tables as I am this scalping. It reflects so poorly on the rest of us.
When a recreational player hears about this tournament and really wants to play it, its worse for poker in the longrun that they have to go through the trouble of locating a scalper and paying a premium for these tickets vs easily getting it from the casino. We have clearly established the fault lies first with the casino, but I've been told anything I say to them will fall on deaf ears.
Milo;297536 wroteScalping is SOP for ALL events in this Region, Richard . . . Scotty's just pissed that he cannot avoid it this time. Or, more correctly, that his version of the "Premium" has not been deemed sufficient by any Sellers.
False, but I'll give you an A for effort.
If you saw my list of concerts and sporting events attended and the prices I paid, you would probably be surprised to see me making such a huge deal of this situation. The reason I am going so nuts is because its hitting closer to home.
betrthanphil;297551 wroteI don't see how some people don't understand where scotty is coming from. Its one thing to buy a ticket and plan to use it but are willing to sell it at a markup to make money as that is the point of playing in tournaments anyways. Its another to intentionally go and buy a mass amount of tickets wait for it to sell out then go ahead to basically dangle them in front of people who didn't get a chance to buy one yet. Just because you can do it doesn't make it right. However I know bitching about it won't do anything so Ive kept quiet on the matter, but don't understand how people don't get where scott is coming from here.
Huge +1 to all of this. A big reason I lost my mind about this is because RGH and I have history/friendship going back years which is why my mind was just blown he wanted 15% + $1K cash. I am a very generous person and was insulted that someone I had been generous with in the past valued a scum scalping edge over helping a friend in need.
windbreaker;297568 wroteNo one is arguing that paying a premium to play a poker tournament is stupid. The problem is that he's directing his 'disappointment' towards the wrong people. The people selling the tickets at a mark up, aren't the ones that unnecessary created this market.
The problem begins and ends with the poker room. If they allow this to happen, and you don't agree with it, then don't support them. Sure this tournament could be soft....but newsflash, most $1k live tournaments are soft.
Fallsview is to blame for all this. To me, the solution seems rather simple....just add another day 1 to the $1k. If people are buying a $1k ticket for $1.5k...the demand is clearly high enough where you can add another day. The mark up of all the scalper tickets will magically decrease.
The problem does begin with the poker room, but I dont think it 'ends' there. I do agree fallsview is primarly to blame, and I love your suggestion for an extra starting day. Sadly I doubt it will ever happen.