darbday;287954 wroteJust making sure we understand im getting it in post flop regardless of the board though. Im just thinking tag reg vs tag reg, no one gains when he calls with his entire range and we each shove value hands at each other...
You do gain if he calls with his entire range because it will contain worse hands... Obviously you gain by shoving value hands darb. Flatting to shove any flop is FPS. You shouldn't ACTUALLY be shoving any flop, and you're going to end up making mistakes by shoving ones you should and not shoving ones you should. You have to be very good to be able to do this kind of play. You need to know his range, know roughly how much equity you have vs. it on every flop, and shove every time you have >x% equity and fold when you don't. I'm assuming you don't know this, I sure don't.
so where he will never fold pre he may once in a while, because of my awkward flat, end up bet folding on a board that we missed....
Either his range is loose enough that he'll fold enough to call worse pre, or it's tight enough that you're not going to show a profit shoving flops because he's going to have it too much. I see what you're getting at, and there may be situations in which flatting and shoving pre show a profit, but flatting is slightly more. You need to do a ton of math to figure out where those situations are, though. I don't think many situations exist with short-stacks that shoving doesn't show a profit but flatting does though.
even though in general he should know better....im thinking its possible for him to cbet fold on a kxx board....thinking hes never good and i always have ak kk aa
I think it's a bit optimistic to think you have much fold equity, or he's going to put you on monsters when you flat. IF you could be confident enough that this was the case, AQo is probably not one of the hands you want to be flatting anyways, something that flops more equity vs. his value range that he will never fold out is what you would want to be flatting.