I've passed on your input ryanghall, windbreaker, DennisG. I don't foresee us running BCPC satellites, at least not at this present time unfortunately Dennis.
Below is an explanation of the recent Client update - feel free to ask any questions here.
We will be releasing a client update over the next few days. Here is the list of the most important features added:
Hotkeys (Beta)
We will be releasing a Beta version of hotkeys in this build (Windows clients only). This feature has been tested by a small group of players on TestPokerStars over the past month and we are opening the feature to a wider audience for testing and more feedback.
In a nutshell, the feature allows you to configure keyboard/mouse shortcuts for various game actions. You can configure your PokerStars hotkeys by going to "Options" > "Hotkey Settings".
Hotkey actions include: Fold, Check, Bet / Raise, Set Bet amount to X% / BB / All in (with the option whether to bet or just set the bet amount), Activate next / previous table and some others.
You can also control which table would receive the hotkey -- the one that is active or the one that is under the mouse pointer. You can even specify a custom color for a table border that highlights the table to receive the hotkey!
We are very much interested in feedback about this new feature, so please email us yours at
Easy Seat (Beta)
We have made a number of minor improvements to Easy Seat based on the results of the wider testing. The two most noticeable bugs we fixed were Easy Seat attempting to seat players despite them being at table cap and adding players to over-long waitlists.
Easy Seat will remain in Beta for this month to be sure that we have worked all the issues out. If you would like to test out Easy Seat, please go to "Options" > "Lobby Display Options" and select "Show Easy Seat (Beta)". For best results you should enable Auto-Buyin to make the process as seamless as possible.
If you have any feedback about this new feature, please email us at
beta@pokerstars.com. You can find more information about Easy Seat
Time Tournaments
We are making some final adjustments to the messaging associated with Time Tournaments and are planning to deploy a wider offering this month. Stay tuned for more updates!
Improved Table Animation (Beta)
We continue to work on improvements to the table animation to make the playing experience as nice as possible for our players. This build we are tweaking the “Full (Beta)” animation settings. We have made the animation smoother and have slowed it down a bit. Players on the default "Simplified" animation setting will not experience any changes.
If you want to try out the new animation simply go to “Options” > “Table Display Options” > “Animation” and select “Full (Beta)”. Any feedback on the Beta animation can be sent to
As always, we have also made a number of other minor fixes / improvements to the client and server. These include highlighting the Notes tab after assigning a label, fixing a bug with the always apply labels option when detached chat is active, and a bug in the Hand Replayer where the flop was disappearing for Nova Theme Users.
Note: The above changes would only take effect once your gaming client has been updated, which could happen at different times for different players. Please ensure you are running PokerStarsUpdate.exe to get the update.