Cerberus;276365 wroteDick move. Loved the announcers talking about how back in the day shooting an angle like that would get you shot. Sure sounded like they were trying to find a gun lol.
In the grand scheme of angles, this is a baby angle ESPECIALLY with the TD calling it out.
It is a part of the game of poker to lie about your hand, or to try to enduce calls when you want them and folds when you don't. That's a standard part of the game. And yes I understand why this is slightly different.
However, what if the guy had KJ and had honestly meant call, is it any fairer that it's ruled a raise because the player got confused? Now he's got chips stuck out there that he didn't mean to put out. It's a tough spot from both sides.
My favourite is the re-angle off this angle. So the guy with the K shoves believing the original player didn't realize his mistake and tries to capitalize by forcing the original player to fold his 'calling holdings' and having his 'raise' being stuck in the pot.