compuease;275137 wroteI don't think I agree with that, especially in a cash game. You just can't be sure enough... Maybe if op showed me 6,7h but other than that no way. I can't believe the ol nit in me is arguing for no fold. :)
I probably never fold Comp, but the math tells u to sometimes.
For example, if you're against just one hand, he has a set and flush draw.......Straight is a dog (37.5 / 62.5). Of course, heads up, I'm not folding, as you can't narrow his range to that.
The difference is when you put in other hands:
Possible hands added (one idiot, 2 legitimate..which is pretty standard):
Ah 5h 5s Qd 53.8%
6d 7c 8h 9d 7.8% (34.6% tie)
3c 4s Kh Qh 0.5%
Our hand:
Kc 6c 10s 7s 3.3% (34.6% tie)
Now, if the action comes to you, and you need to be all-in to you want to make the call?
We have $1.50 invested, $66.25 behind. Do you want to get the rest in given the odds above?
On top of that, you are most assuredly not the only person with the nuts, so, at best, you're chopping with at least one person if you hold. Not worth it IMO.
Still hard to find that fold button with the nuts though.