Gigabet still play?
Ok quick update while I'm bored driving. I've been on hiatus with gf related activities the last week, but I've been thinking a lot about how to structure the seminas (I've concluded that I def need to do 2, perhaps 3 to do these topics justice). So I'm going to group the suggested topics from this thread as best I can into 3 overall theme: early-mid game (pre-ante play), mid-late game ante play before FT/FT bubble dynamics, and the late late game FT bubble. FT play won't be covered in this run, since it would take a lot of ICM work to do properly, and I don't think many here will benefit all that much from ICM voodoo at this point.
Within these 3 general themes I'm going to try to discuss everything as thoroughly as possible from single raised pots to 3-bet pots, c-betting, bet-sizing, stacksizes, opening ranges and tailoring them to oppponents, etc. Depending how thorough I am the 1st 2 topics may take 2-3 hours each and thus become separate seminars. The FTbubble seminar will be more advanced and skip a lot of the basics of the first 2 seminars and focus on some advanced topics and more 3/4-betting and the theory behind putting on your rape boots and getting out of line.
So yea, I should have some sort of specific seminar guidelines up within the next week or so.
I am interested!
Since I am going to have to wait for the live lessons ( preferrably offered around same time as RC ;) ) can one buy transcripts to these lessons??
Definately a great opportunity, sorry I have to miss out!
Sorry Shar, but it has to be said:
Cerberus;275812 wroteSorry Shar, but it has to be said:
All this says to me is you would rather play with a bunch of boys!
There's no shame in me losing to other men. Women take my money in life. If they take it at the table too, I have nowhere I'm safe!
Rough Table Of Contents For 3 Seminars
1. Early Game (typically 60BB+ deep, no antes)
-Opening ranges by position and variations (how loose/tight you should be given different players at your table, specifically late position)
-opening from the small blind/playing BvB out of position
-Open raising sizing
-KEY CONCEPT: effective stacks
Single-Raised pots:
-c-betting: sizing, good boards to bluff heads up, good boards to bluff multiway, what to do vs. raises
-turn barreling: what turns do we bluff, what do we continue for value, what do we give up
-flatting opens: in position, heads up, multiway, out of position
-small pairs/set-mining
-defending the BB out of position (don't be a live pro), defending the BB in position (be a live pro)
-re-raising with a plan: thought process behind re-raising and hand selection
-3-Betting: 3-bet bluffing ranges early (probably not!), value 3-betting ranges early, sizing, c-betting in 3-bet pots
-4-betting: 4-bet bluffing early (again, probably not!), value 4-betting ranges early, sizing
2. Mid-Late Game (typically <50BB deep and often very shallow, antes, no significant ICM considerations)
-revisitting effective stacks for the late game
-open raising sizes given effective stacks
"Deep" stacked late game (30BB+):
-opening ranges, good stacks for stealing against, bad stacks for stealing against, stealing in EP
-c-betting and playing pots as the aggressor: 2 different base strategies for post flop depending on your style/ability
-playing vs. 3-bets, flatting, 4-bet/folding, 4-bet/calling, 4-bet shoving
-3-betting: 3-bet bluffing, 3-betting for value, sizing, good spots to 3-bet bluff, bad spots to 3-bet bluff, KEY CONCEPT: Blockers
Medium stacked late game (30BB-15BB):
-opening with shorter effective stacks, playing single-raised pots when shorter
-calling with shorter effective stacks (rarely)
Short-stacked late game (<15BB):
-pushbotting theory: learning how to play push/fold and figure out your own ranges (it's all numbers baby)
3. Late game bubble play (this lesson involves a review of my bubble play in a $75 freeze where I go from average stack to chip leader without a pre-flop all-in):
-looking up/profiling opponents, drawing conclusions based on online results + HUD stats + tendencies
-building an overall strategy given table positions and villain profiles
-"small-ball" (sigh, not daniel negreanu) style late game vs. weak players
-opening sizes and ranges given effective stacks and player tendencies
-putting pressure on fish
-putting pressure on weak regs
-revisitting blockers
-3-bet bluffing vs. loose-passives, 3-bet bluffing vs. TAGS, 3-bet bluffing vs. EP raisers, 3-bet bluffing vs. LP raisers, 3-betting for value, polarized vs. merged ranges for 3-betting (hint: one of these is probably a leak), sizing vs. all different stack-sizes
-4-bet bluffing, sizing
-adjustments for different late game dynamics (e.g. playing the FT bubble different than playing the exact same hand away with 20 tables left)
Ok thoughts/suggestions/additions based on these points? I'm going to go through and make a full slideshow for each seminar and elaborate on all of this stuff, as you can see I have a fair bit to talk about and I feel like there's a good chance I'd need to split the 1st two up into separate seminars if I wanted to do them well, but I'll see what you guys think.
Too bad you don't do stt's. :/
Ok I better say some stuff. To recap, the seminars could be a total of 5 and would be $250, this is a discounted rate, people don't have to take them all.
Next, for the hobbyists, would start time for these seminars be say 9pm Eastern? This gives time for west coast hobbyists to signin although late in Newfoundland. About how long could / would each seminar be?
Finally, it seems like you'll be covering this kind of idea throughout "I used to think like that, cards first, and then stack size." which I'm really liking. Also interesting, "small-ball" (sigh, not daniel negreanu)
literation;276565 wroteBump.
Ok I better say some stuff. To recap, the seminars could be a total of 5 and would be $250, this is a discounted rate, people don't have to take them all.
Next, for the hobbyists, would start time for these seminars be say 9pm Eastern? This gives time for west coast hobbyists to signin although late in Newfoundland. About how long could / would each seminar be?
Finally, it seems like you'll be covering this kind of idea throughout "I used to think like that, cards first, and then stack size." which I'm really liking. Also interesting, "small-ball" (sigh, not daniel negreanu)
Thanks for the reply. For right now it's 3 seminars in the planning, and I'll see how it goes from there, it's possible I could keep making more and more new ones that explore specific concepts in depth (I was already thinking of doing an in depth short-stack ninja seminar with some special additions that I can't talk about right yet). And yes it's a discounted rate (regular I might charge around $150/seminar, maybe more for an advanced seminar like the FT bubble, and less for a more basic one) for PFC since it's going to be a new experience for me. And it's def not necessary to take all 3, I would say that most people should take both of the first 2, but only people playing like $20+ MTTs regularly should take the last one. Maybe even only $50+, some of the info could really screw you up if you start using it incorrectly.
Next, it depends on interest but there's a good chance I would run each seminar a couple times if there's more than 10 people interested in a given one. Depending on the split of people I could try split up groups by timezone to accomodate this better. 9PM is decent for me but if the seminars end up going to 12-1AM some people might not like that as much.
I think the "small-ball" part will be pretty interesting/is somewhat "new" (although a lot of high-stakes players play this way, I don't see many talking about it):mad2:. It's somewhat close to daniel's small-ball style, but it's not so much small-ball for the sake of small-ball and taking weird passive/pot control lines, my style of small-ball is still very aggressive (more than usual in some spots) and isn't concerned with playing small pots so much as betting small and raising small to induce in order to compliment a LAG style.
Looks should also name the seminars....road to
Just curious if there is anyway to record said seminars? For a few reasons:
1. I will need one hell of a notepad if we cannot record!?
2. It might save you from running the same seminars twice or more. Solves the multiple timezone thing, plus will help those of us with busy schedules.
3. Will allow us to go back and watch again later
Not quite sure how it would work, it was just an idea I had.
I would also like to add that if the seminars are held on a weeknight, then ending somewhere around 11pm would be good for me anyways... Weekends = w/e
Oh, and thanks again for doing this V!!
reibs;276674 wroteJust curious if there is anyway to record said seminars? For a few reasons:
1. I will need one hell of a notepad if we cannot record!?
2. It might save you from running the same seminars twice or more. Solves the multiple timezone thing, plus will help those of us with busy schedules.
3. Will allow us to go back and watch again later
Not quite sure how it would work, it was just an idea I had.
I would also like to add that if the seminars are held on a weeknight, then ending somewhere around 11pm would be good for me anyways... Weekends = w/e
Oh, and thanks again for doing this V!!
this and...
Definitely would still be interested in doing all 3 seminars as well as any additional seminars you might have on any given topic regardless of the level of play.
As mentioned on earlier post, I simply wanna be a sponge... and so I am confident that I would be able to integrate the lessons learned from the first 2 seminars instantaneously and improve my base.
I do know that my skills/stakes level are nowhere near the level of the rest in this forum and so I understand the 3rd seminar being unecessary seeing it would be something that I will not be able to readily incorporate at this time. FWIW, I would still welcome the opportunity just to get a better understanding and overall knowledge of the game that is evolving every minute. I can only hope that perhaps one day..., etc etc.
The only question..., when do you anticipate to have the seminars and do you plan on having them on W/E?!? May I suggest Sat PM as I would really hate to burn the midnite oil during workdays.
reibs;276674 wroteJust curious if there is anyway to record said seminars?
Yep I was wondering about this too. I'll lend old books (now I have Kindle) but I'm not going to give out golden material I paid for.
reibs;276674 wroteJust curious if there is anyway to record said seminars?
CamStudio - Free Screen Recording Software
ty hobbes!
Yup vekked has left the building, another one bites the dust here,lol.
Prob drinking it up with your guys $$$$$$$$.:p
But seriously he has been gone since I p.m.'d him and I was really nice as usual:)
Ohh a brotha cant take a vacation. I see.
Vekked will be back in the real world in the near future, he is currently out of office.