philliivey Just giving mad props and credit to vekked for doing this and his long informative posts and trying to help people unlike some other individuals on this forum and 98% of "online pros".:)
[deleted] philliivey;273634 wroteJust giving mad props and credit to vekked for doing this and his long informative posts and trying to help people unlike some other individuals on this forum and 98% of "online pros".:) i know exactly the indivdiuals you mean
Jugulatus I'm interested if there's room for me in one of the sessions. No suggestions on topics as I am so new to the game that I would just say "everything!". If there is any intrest in a session specifically for beginer MTT players that would probably suit my skill level best.
hiphopopotamus Huge list already but I'd definitely be interested. Your results are insane-o ridiculous.
Vekked Cool, I'll put you guys on the list :). Right now I'm trying to figure out a way to make a good seminar given the wide range of stakes. I thiiink I'm going to offer 2 seminars, one at a more basic going on intermediate level, and one that's intermediate going on advanced. The intermediate-advanced I'm going to discuss 3-betting/4-betting/sizing/late game dynamics/blockers/polarized vs. non-polarized 3 and 4-betting ranges, structured by reviewing a hand history I played where I did a lot of non-standard/aggressive stuff. The basic-intermediate I need some help on. I was thinking of doing slideshow/theory-based seminar, where I discuss various points about opening ranges, c-betting, 3-betting, bet-sizing pre and post-flop, etc, and do some early game stuff followed by some small mid-late game adjustments, like when antes kick in, such as good stealing spots, re-stealing, maybe a bit of shortstack. I'm thinking of structuring this one sort of like an ABC guide to tournament play and try to cover a lot of topics but not get too deep into them. I'd like to do a hand-history review type section in this too because just looking at slides and hearing me talk might get boring, but early game is so boring that the only early game hand histories worth reviewing would be ones I just run like god and flop a bunch of huge hands, which aren't that helpful anyways. So yea, I figure if I have to run 2 seminars anyways, I might as well try 2 different ones. People will be able to sign up for both if they like, but at least this way if some people know that the seminar isn't going to apply to them much they can decide not to sign up, this way people aren't paying for a seminar where they're getting nothing from. I'm still looking for some more specific ideas for content though, so keep em coming!
Cerberus I'd be interested in both seminars, but I think the beginner seminar would be more able to help me without having to learn greek.
[deleted] Richard~;274219 wrotehmm, I really don't know which one to pick now not pickin, doin both for sure....(if thats coo)
literation Richard~;274398 wrotewould it be $100 for both then or what? Heh he's giving reduced rates and I was thinking of asking for $90 for both too ;)
The Highflyer I would be very interested in your late tournament top 20/early ft strategies as a topic point. How you play it in every situation from chip leader to short stack. I see most players tighten up late to move up in $. So some discussion points could be increased pf ag, 3 & 4 bet % strategies against this type of tight play. Mostly tho I would be interested in exactly how you play it :).
[deleted] this topic please.... The 2+2 Forum Archives: Theory of Stack Sizes---Hypothetical Response to the Gigabet Dilemma
DennisG darbday;274875 wrotethis topic please.... The 2+2 Forum Archives: Theory of Stack Sizes---Hypothetical Response to the Gigabet Dilemma That is sooo 2005. ;)