Vekked;271639 wrotewhy isn't the flop being folded pretty quick?
The way he hesitated before calling the preflop raise just made me think he didn't have much...and that flop...what hands has he hit there that he calls the preflop raise oop vs. utg nit with? JJ and 99? Unless he has either of those hands, or AA/KK (-edit- I think these are out of the range...which I think he reraises pre) he has to fold to a jam on the flop, no? If he has AK, he folds to my jam, if he has 1010, he folds...88 he folds..maybe he had the same hand?
My thinking at the time was call this and jam if he checks the turn..
My final hand still has me thinking... Blinds were 4k/8k +ante, I started with 97k in the SB. K7o. Folds around to HJ or CO and min raise to 16k, button calls 16k, (both are bigger stacks, 250k+) I jammed here thinking that I would only be against one of them, and full well knowing one would call, likely the button as the original raiser doesn't know what the button is gonna do..and he can be plenty wide enough here, with the dead money, that I can jam with my K7....Am I out to lunch?