Vekked We need these no? I'm already up grinding the brawl. Anyone else playing today? Lets win some majors!!
Wetts1012 Sigh. Doubt Ive logged into Stars/Tilt for about 3 weeks. House renos will be done by this weekend tho, so will be back joining all you clowns by next w/e. GLGL to erryone today.
[deleted] djgolfcan;271558 wroteI'll be grinding up the MWSOP $30K (12pm) and the $100K GTD (12:22pm) plus the $30K at 2pm on it is
djgolfcan darbday;271561 wroteon it is So the MWSOP event didn't go according to plan. But I'm still in the double deuce and a $10r - starting the 1pm super stack.
Vekked Sigh 3-outted for a huge pot with <20 left in the $82 hyper, hopefully got that out of the way for the day.
T8urmoney DennisG;271579 wrotelate start to the Storm...near double up first And the bigger 55 for me today. in both of those as well
Vekked just got set over setted on the money bubble of the warmup for 85BB pot :(. In the money FTP early 109 and still got all my 750k stacks tho
DennisG T8urmoney;271580 wrotein both of those as well out of the storm, but decent stack in the 55, in the 11 buck 20k now as well.
[deleted] actyper;271570 wroteStarting now. ONly Stars and Party for me, until 4. DennisG;271593 wroteout of the storm, but decent stack in the 55, in the 11 buck 20k now as well. i stacked off in the first levels pre in the storm with aces and lost to jj :(
T8urmoney T8urmoney;271580 wrotein both of those as well out of both now......small cash in the storm 11K in the SM
Vekked anyone got stacks? pretty awful for me so far but I guess 50r on stars and 163r on FTP have a glimmer of hope
DennisG what happened on the 109 tilt ft? I still have 30k (50 bigs) in the bigger 55. Just shy of the money bubble.
Vekked umm, basically got 3-outted by the same guy twice for CL size pots, then I had to make a fold in another big pot vs. him where he obv sucked out on me again, then jam T9 in SB into AJ in BB for last 13-14BB