T8urmoney;266443 wrotethink u misread...raise pre was to 1600....raise on flop was to 3800...and I wasn't folding obv on the flop
Wrong quote...meant to quote windbreaker.
This does make a ton of sense as far as long term playing habits. Thanks!
I will say that the 1600 was enough to make consider folding pre while 1350 would have gotten a snap call. With blinds going to 300/600 and most of the table folded out, 1600 seemed like the best price I was going to get in the near future.
Is J10 suited a hand I want to fold pre if I believe I might sneak into a more isolated hand with a similar sized stack? This could be something I seriously need to change.
windbreaker adressed why I shouldn't based on stack, so what are the minimum hands you would play UTG here? I have been bad for making position low on my priority list lately as I just don't believe in waiting for ideal hands in ideal psition anymore or I find myself blinding out.
If sb raises the same I think I fold, but I almost expect T8 to raise with any two given the circumstances. He isn't showing down much either, so I don't think I should give him auto credit for a hand and as a competent player, raising the limper out of the BB is almost reflex.
By the same logic, as far as pre planning goes, a raise when I entered the pot seemed like it would cost me more in the end. I wanted to play it, I was willing to fold for say 2k as 1600 was pretty standard at this point. If i was reraised as the action went around the table and I had raised pre, I would have had to fold, where as if I limp called the raise, I was still putting the same amount of chips in and would play a flop.
Someone was going to raise late, that was a given, though I do see that I could have represented strength and had someone flat call me instead and that would have been a better approach if I was going to play it.
Board texturewise as someone else asked I don't rembember exactlly, it was J73ish rainbow. I do know if I had even a gut shot to go with top pair I would have shipped overtop of T8, but it was just a little too off....
Our table wasn't overlly tough, but if I didn't get something going soon It was obvious I would get bombarded as the short stack.
It also didn't seem like a crowd that was going to double me up or even put many chips in if we didn't play post flop. if that makes any sense at all why I wanted to take this spot with T8. He had me covered, but wasn't a huge stack so I figured we would get the money in on the right flop. As it turned out, we did put more chips in the middle the hands we played than most of the hands vs other end of the table.