13CARDS;255090 wrotePlace either the 6 or 8 for $18.
When it hits, take the $21. You are now freerollin' up $3, even if your Place Bet loses.
When it hits again, PRESS (which means "double") your bet to $36. Net +$6.
When it hits again, PARLAY (which means "add it all and let it ride") to $78. Net +$6 still.
When it hits again, GO TO (which means "make the bet look like") $150. Net +$25.
When it hits, PRESS to $300. Net +$50.
When it hits, PRESS to $600. Net +$100.
When it hits, REDUCE to $300. Net +$1,100.
After that, just PRESS everytime until you hit Table Max.
This sounds like a good strategy, but you'd have to hit the 6 or 8 five times before you made $50. I prefer a pocket/press/pocket/press strategy.
I'd rather bet a 6 or 8 for $18:
If it hits once-pocket +3
Hits second time press to $36 (+$6)
Hits 3rd time pocket the $42 (+$48)
Hits 4th time full press to $78
Hits 5th time pocket $91 (+139)
and so on...
There's obviously always going to be a 1 in 6 chance of a 7 rolling. The more often you pocket winnings the greater chance you'll walk away ahead. Of course, if you want to swing for the fences and make thousands, your system would be better.