the problem I have with this thread is not that he doesn't know the answers to the questions he's asking, that's a given. I mean, he may be 95% sure that Q10 is a correct shove but if he actually knew that it was he shouldn't really have to ask.
My problem with this thread is that it takes learning and turns it backwards, by making this type of threads he'll never truly improve his understanding. Take the first hand cause it's the more obvious example
Basically the question asked was the following
"I have this hand, and this stack, I feel like my options are to either push, or fold, which choice is better?"
While answering this question may reinforce the fact that he made the correct play it's not appropriate for learning how to play poke. What would be a good question when trying to learn is either
"I have this hand, and I feel like my only two choices are to push or to fold. Which stacks should I push, and which stacks should I fold?"
"I have this stack, and I feel like my only two choices are to push or to fold. Which hands should I push, and which hands should I fold?"
Those questions are super relevant and I don't think anyone would ever give negative feedback to someone who's asking dynamic rather than static questions. It's the whole give a man a fish saying. I just don't like to encourage unhealthy poker mentality just like I don't like to encourage the "I play good but my hands can't hold up to save my life mentality" since it'll offer some twisted shortterm sense of "keep going, you're doing fine" while it's actually eating away at you piece by piece from the inside
I'm not implying anyone is unskilled now but this could be an interesting read that will apply to so many poor players out there
To summarize I don't have a problem with someone cause they lack knowledge, I have a problem with someone or some thread because it goes about learning and improving and analysing in a way that in my opinion isn't optimal