ramanan;241373 wroteso i was at rama the other day playing 2/5 nl usually a 1/2 player have been playing 2/5 more lately so i get KJ suited spades five spots from the blinds everyone folds to me so i decide to raise it up to $25 get two callers after me and the big blind calls
flop: Jd 5s 2h
big blind is first to act and bets out $30 trying to figure out where i am in the hand i reraise it up to $80 dollars get two callers after me and big blind calls the reraise
turn: As
big blind checks and i go out with a $100 bet guy next to me goes all in for $200 more and the next guy thinks for a bit and calls leaving him with less than $50 left big blind folds now should i call or fold? well what i did was fold but was that the right decision? what do you guys think i had the correct odds to call and everything but i just couldnt stop thinking the guy beside me had A5 or A2 and turned me... well since he was all in i ended up seeing what he had..... he had QJ:mad:
This is why I don't post early in the morning...I had misread, and thought just 200 to be all in. So...
Yes, 200 would be the call here if this is the case. Max a $250.00 call into a $1122.00 pot.
I don't disagree with the exact math, if that is what it tells you. I personally don't play with any software/tracker/calculator etc. However, if this is the time you decided to take a shot with a hand like that, and it is not done so frequently that you are just spewing chips all the time, then I don't see why you wouldn't follow through with your hand here.
When you play cards like this you are automatically going in knowing that you want to have that flush or straight draw along with your pair hitting unless you hit the miracle of all flops..Sometimes it isn't always about the numbers, especially in a cash game in my opinion.
Again, for me, I am still not folding in this particular circumstance. Have you not ever taken a risk in poker Mark?>:D