[deleted] Hobbes;231931 wrote On a side note, what if I had say 12k or so here? snap fold. if you had a hand though you could call....
Vekked moose;231935 wroteDo you need this pot to win the tournament? Then don't be a donk. Pretty bad way to think of it... why pass up a profitable spot?
HVEEPOKER Vekked;231951 wrotePretty bad way to think of it... why pass up a profitable spot? And then find out he has aces or the cowboys. I would fold this in a heartbeat.
[deleted] HVEEPOKER;231964 wroteAnd then find out he has aces or the cowboys. I would fold this in a heartbeat. no no he never has aces or kings.
Richard~ HVEEPOKER;231964 wroteAnd then find out he has aces or the cowboys. I would fold this in a heartbeat. Doesn't matter. he has a range, he does not have two cards :P You see him wake up with aces? that's varience
Vekked richard~;231969 wrotedoesn't matter. He has a range, he does not have two cards :p you see him wake up with aces? That's varience qft.