Milo Wanita1;225056 wrote Debate the best possible play. Stated multiple times, the best possible play is to shove your chips in the middle . . . EVERY TIME. I'll be first to say it . . . Wanita1 is fed's sister. Is that demeaning enough for you sweetie?
syphilaids wetts1012;224955 wrotethere is no math, or theory, that you can provide to show any reason to fold in any of these situations. The goal in any hand is to maximize the value from it. When you flop the nut you want to get as much money in ahead as possible. Folding is weak poker. /thread. belittling! You're doing it wrong!
herschelw It's always best to get it in with the nut straight. In nearly all situations in NL holdem it's best to get allin with the best hand on the flop. There are a couple rare case where you're not a favorite where your opponent has two overs plus a flush draw plus backdoor out or where they have an open ended straight draw and a flush draw or similar. However even then the chips already in the pot normally make getting allin +EV regardless of being slightly behind.