yeah i also agree with the point mentioned that i don't mind some short stacks at my table, but if it's majority or all short stacks, then goodbye skill game.
and milo, saying "no more short stacks" equals "tougher games" equals "more short stack players leaving" isn`t necessarily the case. that is definitely a big assumption. you could just as easily say that more big stack players may enjoy playing with the slightly smaller stacks and therefore there will be more short stack play. or you could say that getting rid of the small short stack play will lead to an increase in players who were originally trying to avoid short stacks and weren`t playing as much before. who really knows.
but from the complaints of players wanting to get rid of short stack play i`d assume that players may come back to cash games who were avoiding the short stacks in the past. obviously we`ll see in the long run.
Not disagreeing trigs, just spit-balling. I have always looked at short stack play as the "quick and easy" way for new players to hop into cash games. You know, give them a starting hand guideline, and tell them to shove when they see one of the hands on the list. Also, the general consensus seems to be that on-line games are becoming tougher at lower and lower limits.
Me? I do not care either way, just enjoying the opinions . . .
I think that was the whole purpose of SS strategies, get more and more people playing cash online by making it as idiot proof as possible, and get them to earn a buck or two while doing it. The problem is that you can find short stackers at ALL levels of play, right up to NL500 or more, and trying to exploit the strategy for the bigger payouts.
For a complete newbie, a good SSS would be beneficial in demonstrating hand values and doubling up quickly, however it shouldn't be the goal of any new player. I have only seen one SSS system that actually considered position at all, most don't, and that one thing is far more critical to being successful than any starting hand chart can be for a new player.