syphilaids;217626 wroteIf stacks were deep this is a raise not a fold. Against a late pos raiser and and SB call im raising 100% of the time. In fact I think the only bad thing you could do if stacks were deep is fold. Calling is also terrible. You most definetely have the best hand, so why fold?
This is a strange conversation to be honest because I have no idea if some of you even know how the odds in Omaha work.
In this case this is a shove because of the stack sizes but the odds are he will only have 35-40% equity with his hand even thoughit is an AA hand. In fact, bad AAxx hands could be as low as 20-25% equity in 3 ways when up against anohther AAxx hand and a nice double suited rundown hands as well.
Thus, if you have an AAxx hand in this satellite with a relatively LARGE stack and two other relatively LARGE stacks are effectively all in, it is an easy fold because your equity will only be in the 35-40% range and if you have a relatively LARGE stack the odds are you will win a seat anyway, so you are risking a relatively safe stack because you think you have the "best hand" or because poker is a gambling game or whatever silliness that other guy said.
Poker is about winning money, so in this case the OPs stack was small, so the shove was the opportunity for him to win the 1 all in he needed to win to obtain a relatively safe stack.
Those thinking this is an easy shove regardless of stacks, the NL equivalent would be the following
You are dealt AhKs and the other two guys have hands like 9d9s and QcJc
They are both all in, what do you do?