DennisG;213675 wrote*doh*...hmm..not sure how I would have responded..*might* have been able to let it go..AQ, KQ, QJ, Q10 are all certainly part of the opening range..and a queen certainly isn't a card we want to see...possibly would have checked it and let it go.....but knowing thoughts (as of late) go like this when he c-bets.."he has AK. he is stealing. everyone is stealing! shove." then facepalm. I need to fix this attitude.
That being said...still doesn't change my feelings on flatting with 77 there...I think any reasonable player could let it go with that flop..we are looking for a smaller board...paint isn't pretty.
This is're telling us your definition of a 'dry board' is one that doesn't include A-10?
Hell I'll even grant you two of them..for his hand..that still leaves you 18 cards to dodge THREE times before you act. Jesus, smarter to set mine. :D
You should re-read your arguments, it sounds like you're getting entrenched in the 'flat with 77' camp, intent on defending it..when no defense is possible. It is not the best option here.