Kristy_Sea;204649 wroteFriendly 0.25/0.25 max BI $40, all players have logged dozens to hundreds of hours with each other.
About an hour and a half in, the action is obscenely loose, with one player being down about 400bb.
Most hands are raised to 1.25+ and seeing flops 3+ handed.
The lone dissenter, who has been sitting on his wallet for the entire 1.5hrs not raising, folding out of the blinds for .50c into $3 and such.. raises to $1.50 with AKss after a few limpers..
He gets 5 callers, pot is about $9:
Flop is AXX rainbow..
What is your play and why?
Grunching, // pours 4 fingers of scotch....
I'm guessing avg 175-200BB stacks? (one person in for 400bb)
Okay, playing this deep with say 2000BB on the table that means most of the players, "get it" and are playing appropriately loose and that this is a postflop skill game.
One person thinks this is a game of , "My starting hand selection is better/tighter than yours".... but this deep it isn't.
36BB in the pot with about 170bb deep stacks 6 players.... stack-to-pot ratio of about 5 .... you're right on the commitment threshold.
If you make a pot sized bet of 35 and it gets called, that makes a pot of about 110bb with about 135bb back... So you'll be pot committed ...
Six players means, You really can't get out of line... with so many players.
Betting less, say 20bb if called once, will create a 76bb pot with 150bb, giving a stack to pot ratio of 2
With AXXr there are no draws, so if this were heads up you could give a free card, but here you have 5 opponents...
Do you have position?
Can you outplay these players postflop?
If you play bad postflop you can just pot-sized-bet-commit/shove on the flop.
If you bet 40-60% then any turn bet will pot commit you.
This sounds like a good strategy, except for one problem.
You're playing with your hand face up.
People can just fold if they can't bet TPTK, and stack you when they do.
There are no draws, you will either win a small $9 pot or lose your stack.