pokerJAH;190498 wroteThanks for the detailed response; I usually play AK a lot less aggressively. To me, its needs to improve before it has much value. I definitely would not re-raise to 20BB after a 5BB raise. I like to see the flop and then decide where I stand. If I am the first to act, I will usually raise AK 70% of the time and just call the other 30% (more raising with AK suited).
In your example, if you miss the flop completely, what kind of feeler bet are you making? with the 350 bet (when you hit), you are really committed to this hand no matter the outcome. If the feeler bet is another $200, you have risked 40% of your stack, out of position, with A high.
For most games I play to knock anyone out of a pot you have to put in a sizable bet so 20BB is not uncommon in games I play, some people even may shove preflop just to take down the pot right there.
With regards to missing the flop it is really read dependant on who essentially has come into the pot with me and what kind of range they give me when the flop hits. Sometimes I may check the flop OOP heads up and then stab at the turn hoping that the villian thinks I have a monster and I don't mind him/her trying to catch up. Usually I will only barrel with certain board textures (basically paint) because my image in games I play is one of very tight and aggressive so if the board comes 682 they know I have not hit any piece of that and will call me down very light (I will 100% barrell at those flops with an over pair, but that is a separate discussion)
As noted if I do hit I am essentially committing myself to the pot, I have evaluated the action and as pointed out earlier I am most likely way ahead and people need to draw to catch up. I don't mind committing myself to pots that I know I have played well and if someone gets lucky so beat it, but I am looking at the long term profitability of my play.
One has to remember as well there are a lot of variables that go into this type of play and really you have to develop a good image to be able to make these moves. I also have to give up a lot of hands as well where I could peel for a card on the turn but I fold to give myself the image of the "nuthugger" which benefits me when I c-bet flops that potentially could have hit my range even though I missed totally.