pokerJAH;190338 wrotehow would you play this differently in a cash game when you get a lot of action (with position or out of position)? if you come out raising on the flop and get a lot of action, what's your thought process?
With a cash game scenario its a little different. I look at my image and the image of others who are calling.
Definitely with AK out of position I look to isolate and I am looking to hit my K or A on the flop. Most times in a cash game if I miss the board after I do my isolation raise and I have a very LAGGY player I will throw out a quick feeler and then shut down on turn and river as if I get 1 bet called (especially in the games I frequent, I know villian has caught a piece and will not fold for any bet on the turn-->which works good when I hit my A or K on the turn cause I end up stacking people)
If there are more than 2-3 people in the pot with me after I have punched out a raise preflop I tend to give up on the pot if there is action on the flop, especially with this board because I tend to think 33 or 22 is out there as they are set mining and they will isolate my range to top pair (providing this is my regular cash game I play in).
In a cash game I don't think 1 pair is strong enough to throw my stack in with multiple callers because most people will not be willing to throw in large amounts of $$$ with just air, especially with other people to act behind them etc.
EG....5/10NL cash game
8 handed
Effective stacks 1000
I am in SB with AK, 4 people have limped, button raises to 50 (standard position raise from button). I will re-raise to 200 to push out the limpers and see if they actually have a hand in the bush so to speak.
Now if I get 2-3 callers right away I can isolate ranges based on previous histories or based on their play in the session. Most times people will be limp calling KQ, 22-77,88 and sometimes even A10-AQ. The rest of the hands we would have seen a raise before this point.
Now the board comes K23
I lead out 350 into the pot (it is now 600) leaving me 450 behind. Now depending on how many people flat my bet here I will evaluate if I lead the turn. In this situation with this flop if someone flat calls 200 with 22 or 33 I am most likely to stack off to them and ship them my 1000. It is one of those hands where the board is so dry that if someone can set mine for such a high price I am willing to pay them off.
Most times on this board you will get re-raised with KQ or some sort of draw where I will snap call and hope my pair holds.
Like I said AA in a cash game will most likely try to re-isolate me (if they limped before my initial raise) and I will evaluate who I am playing against and what they believe my range is and most likely lay down AK to a 3-bet. I know I am up against 10s+ and I can pick a better spot. Now this is also based on a heads up situation not a multiway pot where there is a bunch of dead money after 2-3 people flat my 200 and then someone shoves.