Quinner;181750 wroteI think I know I'm getting better at poker when i actually wonder if laying down american airlines is a better idea then chance a huge suckout....
Not to be a prick, but no... this means you are getting worse at poker...
Get your money in with the best hand. Contemplating laying down pre-flop monsters because you fear a suck-out is horrible play..
AA's are one of those things you can't screw up pre-flop... JUST RAISE and if you get pushed on, CALL... if you get re-raised, re-raise or push yourself.
Use the betting pre-flop to figure out what hand your oppt is likely holding. If he pushes, he would likely have TT, JJ, QQ, KK, AA, AK, AQ (maybe), plus others if player is looser. You are HUGE against any of these hands.
I'm not even a fan of that SNG bubble situation, I call there and hopefully triple up. Is one player going to get eliminated?? Yes, but would you rather someone gets eliminated and you have a reasonable stack or still have your crappy short stack and likely worse cards to go with it?
Against 3 players playing top 10% of hands (which would make a certain amount of sense to call that pre-flop all-in) you are still an approx 65-35
favourite against ALL of them.
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 64.657% 62.61% 02.05% 694312 22752.33 { AA }
Hand 1: 11.746% 10.72% 01.02% 118903 11364.67 { 88+, A9s+, KTs+, QTs+, AJo+, KQo }
Hand 2: 11.801% 10.78% 01.02% 119539 11340.83 { 88+, A9s+, KTs+, QTs+, AJo+, KQo }
Hand 3: 11.797% 10.78% 01.02% 119535 11311.67 { 88+, A9s+, KTs+, QTs+, AJo+, KQo }
So I'd probably take a shot here and hope to get a stack back to start doing some damage. But that's me...