westside8;168175 wroteIf you are implying that the CR could get the player who bet the turn to fold to the CR, or to a single bet on the river, you are sadly mistaken. This hand is most likely going to get to showdown regardless as played, this is just a spot where you are looking to find a play that can maximize your gain when ahead but minimize your loss when behind.
Of course he's not going to fold, unless he has air in which case we'd want him to call. This c/r is for value, meaning we figure to be ahead most of the time. It will also have the added benefit of protecting our hand from any draws out there. Remember that a hand like AT, which may fold to our c/r if it makes them call 2 bets cold but call for one, can catch any 8, J or Ace and beat us.
There ARE times in LHE when you want to minimize your loss when behind, but this is not one of them. You have a good hand but it is vulnerable, put that extra bet in to protect it.
The OP wanted comment on the river - did he put enough bets in. The fact is it doesn't really matter if it's 3 or 4 (maybe 5). It's a difference of one BB. C/raising the turn could be the difference between winning or losing a 4.5 bb pot! And similar situations will come up far more often than having a boat on the river and not knowing what to do with it.
I'm not trying to be antagonistic to anyone, but in order to maximize your profit at a loose game such as this, you really do have to c/r this turn. It's not even close.