Wetts1012;164508 wroteFor those calling here, Im just curious what hands you put the villain on.
the problem with this particular situation is the lack of reads in the OP along with the check on the turn. jimmy hasn't really told us much about his image at the table, either. if he has been seen to be making big laydowns and showing how he is folding top pair in previous hands, all bets are off.
was the villain hoping to CR on the turn? possibly. but if he has a made hand, wouldn't he want the flush draws and weak Aces to pay? could he be that confident jimmy would bet the turn?
did the hero's check on the turn lead the villain to believe the hero has KK- or a weakish Ace? if so, he should expect a strong river bet will get hero to fold JUST AS EVERYONE ELSE has done in previous pots the villain has been in. so he could really have a lot of different hands here.
he limped OOP (unknown position) and called a middling raise from the button (unknown image). what could that be? small pair, suited connectors, soooooted Ace, medium strength Ace. hard to say without more of a read on the player. could it be JJ+, AQ+? i suppose but from a TAG? not likekly.
he check-called a medium bet on a pretty dry board. unlikely he has a draw. if he is truly tight aggressive, why hasn't he raised yet? it is possible he is slowplaying somekind of 2pr or a set but i doubt it. most likely some kind of weaker Ace, lower pair, or any 2 cards if he thinks he can steal the pot on the turn or river. again, this goes back to hero's image.
when jimmy checks the turn, i think the green light goes on for the TAG. at this point he is pretty sure he can take the pot away since jimmy doesn't defend his hand with a bet. now, he could have gotten lucky at some point here and caught 2pr or a set but it doesn't happen often enough to make up for the times AK is the best hand. as caddy points out, the way it played out, this is a very good spot to pick off a bluff.
if jimmy had bet the turn and been called and the villain comes out firing on the river, i think it is a much easier laydown.
this can vary hugely depending on the images of the combatants.
or the guy could have a monster and he's just milking the donkey