AcidJoe;163960 wroteThat is true, and he isn't the Rama pro. As Greg alluded too I think the guy is a tool. I flat called his $50 just to see what hit on the river. He looked very confused that I called rather than pushed because that's what he expected me to do. River Card: Jack of clubs. Mr. Tool bets $50 into me again.
Strange $347 in the pot and the villain has $50 back and it's $50 to you...
Staggering underbet with probably not any fold equity.
He wasn't on a draw.
He doesn't have JJ+ or AK.
What could he have that would make him make these tiny bets into the draw heavy turn????
And then make an insultingly small river bet.
You have to commit here. Barring some insane read ....
I'd "think" about it and put in the $100