pokerJAH;163055 wrotethis player is raising me with a straight draw? If he is tight (as mentioned), I don't see it. If a K or J comes, I'm not folding my boat.
First off, raising on an open ended straight draw? Yes. A lot of tight players play aggressively when they are on a draw with more than 6 outs in hopes to take the pot down right away.
Raising if he has Q 9 pre-flop? Probably not, but I've seen it happen before when someone decides they want to take the blinds when everyone else is playing tight and limp in.
However, if he's smart and the BB calls his raise, he should expect a decent hand.
Either way, I still say shove for many reasons. I feel you are going to avoid more possible beats than if you flat call.
Lets take this to the next step.
You call the guy 100.
The turn comes - Qh
There are now two hearts on the board.
You bet your set, like you should. You make it 100 more to play. He pushes you all-in.
What do you do?