Chuckieland;163046 wroteif he have you beat here, so be it
but i won't push the flop
i'll flat call it, and check it to him, so he can hang himself.
if you push. AK may get away, AA may or may not call (if i don't think you go deep with TPTK, i'll assume you can beat that K, and if you can beat that pair of K, then my pair of A definely no good here) KJ may got away too ( depend on if he is TAG or TAGFISH).
pot size after you call, any bet from him will commit him.
if he check, then he won't call your push, so figure out an amount that he'll look you up with.
my 2 cents.
Seems like calling is generally agreed upon by a lot of people here.
I am going to have to re-think all of this, but what about trying to get him out of the pot before he does make a better hand?
By what you are saying, you are assuming he has a worse hand and you pretty much are never gonig to fold. You will let him hang himself, but you also risk him hitting a better hand than you on the turn or the river.
You have the possibility of a straight and two three of a kinds. You can obviously put him on each pocket card being T or above.
So, there are 22 cards that are going to scare the crap out of you.
If a 9, T, Q or A hit, you are going to be scared of a straight. If a K or a J hits, you are going to be scared of a full house or trips.
So, I guess the better question is, what would you do if one of these 22 cards hit?
I know it would be about 21 cards if you think about actual probability, cause he has to have at least one to make three of a kind better than yours, but you are looking at a lot of possible cards that will make you uneasy to call an all-in, but you probably will end up calling because your hand is very strong.
Anyway, these 22 scary cards are the reason why I say push.
Is this a wrong way of thinking, or is that some good thinking?