m_dolens;145889 wrotethis is your opinion. many people play a hell of a lot of tables online and make a lot of money.
you should be picking the number of tables you play that will maximize your hourly rate... i would say that there aren't more than a few people who have an hourly rate maximizing level of tables of 20+.
this is your opinion. many people play levels higher than their bankroll should allow and they make a lot of money
the people that play higher than their bankrolls allow don't make a lot of money... they go broke, unless they go on a heater then realize they are playing over their heads and then start playing within their bankroll/skill level
and this just makes no sense. i merely stated MY opinion that push/fold poker involves too much luck (i.e. gambling) for my personal taste. why does that suggest that i don't understand push/fold poker. the name itself suggests it's all or nothing/lucks included/poker. that is, one will often have to push with nothing just to stay afloat against the blinds. that to me is highly influenced by luck.
again, i am stating MY opinion on turbos. i would appreciate if you didn't tell me that i don't understand how to play (certain versions) of HE poker merely because i don't favor them (since according to your reasoning, i could easily state that i know more about turbos than you do and that is why you think they are profitable - however, i would not make such a statement as this).
(i apologize if the above was voiced in a derogatory way. i meant no disrespect.)
i'm suggesting you don't understand push/fold poker because if you did your opinion would be different because you would make more money playing turbos. there is nothing easier than being able to shove any 2 against someone that doesn't understand push/fold poker and will be folding pretty much anything... it is a pretty much risk free way of adding to your stack. I have helped some friends in low stakes turbo sngs and basically all they needed to do to be profitable was shove really wide ranges when the blinds were high... people just don't call as wide as they should be calling.
You are entitled to your opinion but my point is if you want to make more money you should probably be playing the turbo sngs
Also... with regards to this statement... "i would appreciate if you didn't tell me that i don't understand how to play (certain versions) of HE poker merely because i don't favor them" In my mind if you are playing poker to make money and you don't favor a certain type of poker it is for one of 2 reasons... either you don't understand how to play it or if you do understand how to play it you are more profitable elsewhere. Since turbos are more profitable the only reason for not playing them is because you don't understand how to play them