InsaneGuy;145265 wroteSo... I just got blinded off a 9 person turbo sng...
Now... I kinda HAD to go all-in at that point (I think...) and I'd like to know where I shoulda acted to *try* and make a stand or which hand I shoulda played since this isn't the first time it happens.... (it kinda happens all the time lol)
How about any hand that's folded around to you. If you just play the cards in your hand what is your advantage over your opponents?
InsaneGuy;145265 wrote
First hand :
Qc5c (SB) - Someone raises 4bb everyone folds - I fold.
4s8d - bunch of limpers - Fold
Qs6h - some limpers - Fold
Kh2s - 4bb raise - Fold
8h7c - I think I shoulda at least limped on this in middle pos but ... - fold
7h9h - 3bb raise - fold
7d5d - 2 limpers - fold
Qh8d - 3bb raise - fold
Ad2h (BB) - only the SB calls - I check (KJ3 rainbow flop - 5 turn 2 river - he best 30 - fold)
What the fuck? You hit a pair on the river and fold to a minbet? I would have called with just the ace high.
InsaneGuy;145265 wrote3c4d (SB) - 3bb raise - fold
9sTd - 3bb raise - fold
5c3d - fold
4d2s - fold
Ts7h - fold
4sTh - fold
9h4s - fold
8hTs - fold
8s4d - fold
8hTs (BB) 3bb raise - fold
8s4d (SB) fold (it's a 50 call at this lvl)
TcJc 3bb raise - I Call flop T7A rainbow - Everyone checks turn 4 some guy bets 200 - I fold)
What the fuck! again? Everyone checked the flop... your 2nd pair is probably good.
InsaneGuy;145265 wrote Qh6s - fold
Ks5c - fold
9c2d - fold
3s5c - fold
5d9d - fold
ThQc (BB) I die to KK
If you play so tight you really have no business playing turbos.