pokrgod;144114 wroteCN 1/2 NL:
I'm on the button with $95. Player in CO is LAG (borderline maniac)stack size $255.
Assuming this is $200 maximum 1/2 at Casino Niagara, with the maniac to my right, I would have kept topping up to $200, instead of being short-stacked at $95 with low implied odds.
Hole cards: :5c :6c
Pre flop: folds to solid player, limps.
CO: limps
Hero: senses some weekness, makes button raise to $8.
agreed, i definitely didn't raise enough.
IMHO, calling with 6-5 soooted is much better than raising. With less than $100, you are not getting enough implied odds to raise with a 6-high garbage hand and committing more than 8% of your chips. With a couple of limpers and suited connectors on the button, you want the blinds to call in order to get the big implied odds IF you hit your straight or flush.
Solid player: bets $25
CO: calls $25
pot: $77
What do you do here? I have the nuts, sure this is an easy answer.
You may have the nuts for the moment, but with multiple players showing strength, you as a short stack want to raise all-in to try to protect your vulnerable hand. Since you can only raise to $62 more, a player with a high flush draw (or set) would have the proper pot odds to call your all-in even if he thinks you have the nut straight. In this case, a flush draw will actually have four less club outs, but chasing a flush (or full house) will still be profitable if another player calls. Flat-calling and slow-playing would be horrible given the stacks.
pokrgod;144119 wroteSo far, so good. I push AI for $87. Solid player re-raises AI, CO calls.
The so-called solid player on the CO should have flat-called, hoping that the maniac will call. NON-solid player instead re-raises all-in, but lucky for him, donkey maniac donates $147 more to both of you, calling on just bottom pair. ???
After reading about this hand, I now have this irresistible urge to carpool to to Niagara Falls on Wednesday. :D