Last Thursday night at CN 1/2 NL:
I'm on the button with $95. Player in CO is LAG (borderline maniac)stack size $255. Player to his right is solid player(so i thought)stack size $180.
Hole cards: :5c :6c
Pre flop: folds to solid player, limps.
CO: limps
Hero: senses some weekness, makes button raise to $8.
SB: folds
BB: folds
Solid player: calls
CO: calls
Flop: :7c :4c :8d
Solid player: bets $25
CO: calls $25
pot: $77
What do you do here? I have the nuts, sure this is an easy answer.
Push. You only have $95 into a $77 pot, with the nut straight and a flush draw, and potential str flush draw. You have the best hand with good outs to improve. If the solid player is playing AXs clubs, so be it.
You have the best hand with good outs to improve.
AJ, do you have some kind of automated post generator or something? The last thing Hero needs to worry about in this hand is if he has a redraw. IN fact, hero's looking to dodge the clubs.
To answer OP:
Because you preflop raised, you can push the flop. You can also just call the flop and push the turn. I think your stack goes into the middle anyway along with both callers.
So far, so good. I push AI for $87. Solid player re-raises AI, CO calls.
We all open up.
Hero: :5c :6c
Solid player: :ac :qc
CO: :ad :4d
No raise by either one preflop?
I like my hand very much at this point.
if 'solid player' is open limping AQs, he ain't so solid.
I like my hand very much at this point.
This isn't BBV, so your post is complete. I know where this is going.
That's why i said (or so i thought). GRR i did put it in the wrong section. Sorry :(
The post had 2 reasons. It was an interesting hand but also wanted to see if you push or flat call flop bet. Sometimes I have an issue with whether or not to slow-play.
Slow playing causes cancer.
Especially at casinos.... also, FWIW, if you're "sensing weakness" and decide to raise PF, I'm only assuming that you wanted to take the limpers $ / blinds? $8 isn't NEARLY enough. Unless you WANTED to get multi-way with 56cc, in which case I would have limped.
agreed, i definitely didn't raise enough.
First off, sorry for posting this here. should have posted the HH in BBV and asked question in different section about when to slow-play.
Turn: :kc giving "solid player" nut flush.
River: :8c Making my straight flush!
Even though I took this pot down and it worked this time, Do you slow-play here? I knew someone would be drawing to the nut flush. Does anyone just call the flop bet to save money on the possible outdraw? Would that have been a better play? It looks great because I caught the straight flush, but more often than not, i lose here after the turn.
I agree with the push on the flop... Edit... you responded before I did... Nice hand! Well played :)
I wouldn't slow play there, as the 2 players in front are calling big bets... shove, hope one calls on a draw, and you win :)
thanks Graham. Just needed some feedback. It's a gap in my game I'm trying to fix. Just because what i did won the pot, didn't necessarily make it the right play.
If you "knew" someone was drawing to the nut flush and had to question whether you should bet... umm... yea.. that's a hole.
What gap? Pushing with the best hand, or not raising enough preflop to drive out the limpers?
BBC Z;144118 wroteAJ, do you have some kind of automated post generator or something? The last thing Hero needs to worry about in this hand is if he has a redraw. IN fact, hero's looking to dodge the clubs. .
That was my point...he didn't WANT his oppenents to draw, and the only way would be to push this flop...unfortunatly, his position and chip stack make it impossible to do with any kind of power...last to act, and his push was for only another $20 or so...he was getting called with any kind of decent flush draw
BBC Z;144118 wrote
You can also just call the flop and push the turn. I think your stack goes into the middle anyway along with both callers.
Call the flop and push the turn? Why just call the flop and give a free card here? Why not just push and hope for bricks?
Yeah, the raise was bad. I knew that right away. Knowing that someone was drawing was the reason i pushed to begin with. The hole is, that i have a hard time knowing when to slow-play and when not to.
pokrgod;144161 wrote The hole is, that i have a hard time knowing when to slow-play and when not to.
That's a simple one to resolve...NEVER SLOWPLAY!
If I may suggest, the Phil Gordon "little green / blue book" is quite a resource... it allows some insight into why he does what he does, including slowplaying.
Personally, I don't slowplay much.. if you're always betting, they're never going to know when you're value betting vs. continuation betting. Mixing it up of course is important too, but IMO people slowplay too much.
Thanks AJ and Mark, i appreciate it. I'll try cutting it out of my game and see how it works. Always looking for ways to improve.
One of my favorite "slowplays" here's an example
SB: Hero say $200
BB: Another player, say $200
D: Short stack, say $50
The ideal situation here is to be aware of another's stack size. Let's say I was BB, and preflop the Dealer popped it to $10, both blinds called. I hit huge on the flop... like a set and I'm in the SB, the pot's at $30, and we have $190 / $190 / $40 respectively.
Here I love to "slowplay" by "betting poorly".... I like pot-sized bets more often than not, but here I would only put maybe $15-$20 in. Hoping the BB will call the pittance of a bet, and dealer pushes all-in. I now re-pop myself all in, and watch BB cry about his dead money.
Slowplaying only works when you have HYPER aggressive people behind you... and it's almost NEVER a good idea in limit.. you're just missing bets.