RiverRatJosh;121284 wrotePoker clubs have expenses.....
No one is raking in the dough.....
We do not have huge cash counting machines and a big room where all we do is count money. I am sure Two and Jay will tell you that running a tourney after paying dealers and buying food,, drink, and hiring a hostess runs at a loss to our clubs.
We also have rent. We are running businesses that must pay rent, purchase equipment, deal with depreciation of that equipment, pay for supplies, and keep up a stocked fridge and daily meals.
Players pay approximately 12$ an hour in a raked game, that is NL and slower moving.
You pay more to play POOL at a POOL hall. You pay more to get your HAIR CUT, you pay more to drive your car for an hour. You pay more per hour to use your cell phone.......... I could think of lots of things you would rather pay more for in the same hour......and NONE OF THEM GIVE YOU THE CHANCE TO DOUBLE OR TRIPLE UP. Try making 12$ an hour work at a blackjack table...or a slot machine....WHY ARE PEOPLE SO CONFUSED BY THE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INDUSTY. WHy don't yop gather 10 friends and play in your basement.....take no rake......advertise it.....have fun.....and find yourself out 300$ when you feed them, and be hospitable. Maybe you all split some food and pich in........OOOOPS Theres RAKE Creeping in. Not to mention the time you spend on the phone tring to set a date and convince 10 friends to come play......OOOOOOOPS, one of your friends busts out early, and you need to find another 10th.....hey in poker some win some lose!! you can expect 3 or 4 guys to be on the short stack pretty early......now you need 15 people for the game to last, cause some go broke.......OOOOps you did not think about the whole picture,a nd how much work it is to organize and make a healthy game run.....now you are spending your time, and effort.......and then one of you players complains about something.......you would rather shoot him than spend the time making him feel better....he is a poinson pill now making your other players uncomfoartable....and your game is fucked......
I dont know about you.....but I will make money for all the time and headaches that running a successfull game entails.
Open your eyes you young, inexperienced and narrow minded fool.
am I wrong, did I stereotype you incorrectly.....are you older than I think......
if so......than shame on you even more.
You fucking fool......poker does require you to risk all your money....when you lose the rake is 100% you idiot. A tourney usually pays out only 10% of the field entered.....which would mean there is a 90% chance you will lose, which means Rake means nothing to you.......and lets say you win......are you going to complain that your 2K first prize should have been 2100$.
First off, huge expenses like Food and drink, are you kidding.
Food, most likely under $100 (How much does Pizza cost? or Sandwiches)
Drinks??? How much does a case of coke or bottled water cost? $10????
The Unit has no hostess, and I believe the waitress makes her money off tips.
I don't believe The Unit pays rent to the Church. Depreciation of poker cards??? lol.
Meals are delivered by a caterer at night ($100 or less per poker night)
So, by yer own math, $12 per person X 10 players.
The Rake may be $120 per hour.
So If the game runs 10 hours, the owners would have made $1200 that day.
$1200 - $100(Food) - $0(dealers+server) -$0(rent) = $1100
$1100 profit(no tax paid to government)
Owners don't make shit do they?