Broadcasting an illegal poker event's address or other identifying information (such as the owner's name, compuease!) via website or email has become a highly -ev move (pun intended! :) ). The OPP Illegal Gambling Unit road tour continues, with a couple more clubs all the way in Chatham being raided. Underground operators that want to minimize the risk of getting arrested should only give out their address by phone, and restrict admission to people that he has personally screened or a trusted player can vouch for.
-ev, phone the owner or any of us going this Friday for the location. I can vouch for -ev; he is a drunken math-illiterate donkey ;) that helps make playing at Georgetown so +EV!
waltsfriend, are you and Kristy_Sea going?
-ev;126328 wroteAssuming he is not concerned about police, etc, please post the location here.