Captain Canada;114817 wroteI use Insta debit for my sports book, pretty good. Which poker sites offer it? I play on PokerRoom, but it's not an option currently.
I cant disagree with you more, Captain. Instadebit has NO customer service - and that's with a captial "N". I actually referred some friends to it because it seemed like a good choice for Neteller replacement for Canadians. Well was I wrong and am I ever sorry I recommended it to ANYONE.
My friend encountered some problems with entering his CIBC number. Apparently they are separated with dashes. He tried to enter the number as it appeared on his bank statement but got an error message from Instadebit saying that number does not exist. So then he left off the prefix and VOiLA a message appeared saying SUCCESS and welcome to Instadebit. He wanted to test the method with a small deposit first even though he didnt need any money in his account but he didnt want to run into any problems cashing out his 2 grand. The small deposit was instantly available to him for play - so he stupidly thought everything was AOK.
Because the prefix was missing from the bank account number his bank turned down the small deposit - but this information was not made known to him for several days. Meahwhile they block his Instadebit account and his $2,000.00 cashout is in limbo. The site said it was cashed out to Instadebit and Instadebit said they didnt have it. It took over a month to get this straightened out AND INSTADEBIT DID NOTHING TO HELP the guy. Every single email he got from them told him to go to his pokersite. And every email he got from the pokersite said it was Instadebits fault.
I felt so bad for having referred them to a site that I had only used once. Anyway, I have since changed to Click2pay and they are da bomb. My cashouts are done faster than they ever were by Neteller. The site is located in Germany, rather than an offshore location. And since our country has reciprocal law agreements with the European Block they are not above the law unlike the offshore companies.
It's fine to say you have had no problem with a site but when a problem does happen you want to make sure they give good customer service. In that department Instadebit is at the back of the bus.