Hi everyone,

Room is called The Felt (Logo to come)
Looking to have a cash game on Thursday Feb 13th

Time: 6:30PM - 10PM
Location: Kitchener (Monarch Woods Area)
Stakes: 25¢/25¢ (Low limit game)
No straddles, 100BB Max buy-in

I have 10 spots, if we can get 6 we will play. I will DM you the address day before the game.

  1. @MrCaspan
  2. @thisORthat
  3. @DrTyore (8PM)
  4. @barno_420
  5. @beach2002
  6. @shawndm
  7. @Buickman60
  8. @studog
  9. @kwmatt


    re: location "Kitchener 3B5"
    maybe put the first three digits of postal code instead of the last three

      I would be interested in playing...

      But I wouldn't be able to get there until closer to 730/8


        thisORthat maybe put the first three digits of postal code instead of the last three

        I just removed it.. it's not really helpful.

        DrTyore But I wouldn't be able to get there until closer to 730/8

        I'll put you down as tentative, if someone can come for the full game.. but it should be fine

        I would have loved to, but I have the kids that week, so will have to skip this one.

        Curious what rules were agreed upon for this game.

        NL, No straddles. 100BB buy-in. Flat simple game...

        But leaving option open so the table can decide what they want as long as all agree to it.

        if I don't get two more players by tomorrow night I'm going to have to push this to next week.. Feb 19th Wednesday..

        You da man @shawndm . We got a game everyone!!!

        So I said 6:30PM but we can wait for others to show up or play 2-3 person till others show up. Tables choice! I also have Daniel's Master Class and can watch it for a few min till everyone shows up!

        Ill send out a DM in the next day for the address!

        DrTyore going out during the week? Not likely lol.

        Sorry I don't get it, I'm slow today.

        Also my cash chips came in to day so no need to borrow any!!


          I haven't figured out how to quote text.

          There's very little chance that Yuli wants to come out for poker mid-week. 🙂


          Ahh lol, just highlight the text and then hit quote..

          still room for more some hopefully can get 8

            MrCaspan Ahh lol, just highlight the text and then hit quote..

            still room for more some hopefully can get 8


            Also, agreed to get more players, specifically new ones since like... Caleb is the only name I don't immediately recognize lol.


            My friend Stu Dog might be able to attend - I endorse his subpar play and general nice guy.