While I like the idea of a low stakes cash game I worry that it will become an all in fest based on $25 max stack. General raise will be $1 or $2 pre. Called 5 ways in a low stakes game makes the pot $10. Not far from all in.

    Yeah, I think I like 200BB buy-in, so for $0.25/$0.25 it would be $50.

    My only concern is that you'll get several guys who regularly (or who are at least very comfortable playing at) $1/$2, or $2/$5, will show up and start open raising pots (or 3-betting an open of $1) to $5-$10, because that's what they're used to, and the pot sizes at this game will seem to small for them, so they will just instantly balloon it, regardless of their holdings.

    If you're a reg at a $1/$2 (or higher) game, then I don't see the point sitting down at this game, all you're going to do is alienate the guys looking to get into cash and they'll never actually end up working up to the higher stakes and you'll just end up with the same old player pool that you're used to. If you want new players at your games, then you need to give those players a chance to actually get there.

    I really do get where you guys are coming from. I set the blinds and rebuys for my games where I feel comfortable playing even though I could probably raise them from .50 to $1-$1 or $1-$2 without any regulars complaining (and some probably would be happy about it).

    However, I beg you to think about this from another perspective. Right now, you are talking about introducing rules that literally say: 1) no one can put blind money into the pot, and 2) no one can raise too much. Furthermore, you're talking about limiting the players to people who basically will "respect a $5 raise".

    At the same time, you're talking about improving and trying to eventually move up in stakes. Putting these random limitations on your game and expecting to learn how to play bigger stakes that don't have these limitations doesn't make much sense honestly.

    If you want to try to keep your game small, I completely understand, but policing how the players in the game are allowed to play (that is creating rules that state they can't play in a way you don't like even though they aren't breaking any poker rules), is probably not helping you learn to play proper in the long run (unless we're actually talking about learning poker basics, but I'm assuming that's not what we're talking about here).

    Again, this is just my non-expert opinion, but obviously do what makes you happy 😀

    trigs I agree with g2, especially with his point about matching the big stack rebuys. If you want to keep the game small, cap rebuys at 100x-200x big blind only.

    Probably correct on this..

    And great points @trigs, the reason behind these rules is to stop the more experienced players from coming in and just bullying lower stake players around and changing the stakes. I get the argument about straddle exists in higher stakes so get them used to it now. To me straddles are not something to get used to or you have to be experienced in them. They just are what they are. Same as BB anti in a tournament they either exist or they don't. it's not like you have to train for them different, you just have to know that straddles don't do anything but change the effective stack size randomly in the middle of the game by cutting everyone's stack size in half. So you need to know your lower stack size ranges. A straddle is not required to learn that IMO. I just feel it's a way of changing the stakes to suit your wants because you want more action or money, and that is the exact reason why my thoughts are not to have them. I don't see any advantage to it for a low stakes cash game. But again if entire table is fine with it then so am I. But I don't feel like players are loosing out on some deep rooted strategies they they have to have in higher stakes by not having them now.

    beach2002 While I like the idea of a low stakes cash game I worry that it will become an all in fest based on $25 max stack. General raise will be $1 or $2 pre. Called 5 ways in a low stakes game makes the pot $10. Not far from all in.

    IMO if you come to the game and just turn it into a shove fest because $25 bullet is nothing, you won't be invited back. It is very easy to see players doing this.

    And I agree this may be an issue and you might not get anybody because of that. and to be honest for every point I've heard on here I can make the exact opposite point or so could you for any of my points.

    And again I am completely open and glad we're having a discussion about this please don't take any my points as trying to shut somebody down or you're wrong I'm right 100% and open discussion. glad to hear other people's viewpoints glad to hear what other people think because it's important. I want to create a game where people want to come back but they also feel like it was fair and they are not just treated like fish in a barrel to the more experienced players. The fact I'm taking all these things away hopefully will deter a more experienced player from wanting to come because there's no ability to bully people around with their money. if somebody can normally make $400 on a cash game in a night but only can make $75 at mine, I'm hoping they won't want to come. and that's kind of the point of the game! it's not about getting rich it's about enjoying the game of poker and wanting to play with other people and get out without needing to spend $200 for a night out of poker. and I could be completely wrong about this but that's my hopes and intentions.

    again please feel free to call me crazy if I'm being crazy 🙂 I just feel like these types of games are missing and is what I was looking for when I first started playing poker.

    beach2002 You should consider joining and advertising in the what's app group. I think you'd get some further interest there

    What WhatsApp group are you speaking of? Feel free to throw this post on it to see if there is anyone interested.

    MrCaspan yup for sure it’s your game your rules! 25NL or 50NL are both fun just let me know.


    I think it's fine to not allow the side games... Straddles, nit game, bomb pots etc are all variations on regular nlhe / other similar games like Omaha. Not allowing them during this game is fine, hell most casinos don't allow them either.

    As for keeping to geared for newbies and deterr some of the sharks, I think you need to go lower. Live cash 0.05/0.10 with a 20 dollar buy in will deter people from trying to stack the table for like 100 bucks. It also keeps the losses low, and let's people play (hopefully based on bb sizing vs. actual money value) deeper stacks. I know the chips don't match up but I think this solves several issues.

    Now the question is where are you getting new players from / where are we advertising? The what's app group may be fertile ground.


    EricL There are 8 left at Costco Waterloo last night and once they are gone they said they are not getting more. But just as a FYI IT'S heavy. like 70lbs and solid. This is not just a simple folding poker table it's built well!! I barley got it into my CX5 so bring a truck or wide wide trunk and someone to help load it!

    It also comes with a dust bag and a black jack felt overlay

      I got the same table. I like it, decent bang for the buck. But good lord is it heavy

        If you're planning to host a friendly poker game for beginners, I’d recommend going with a 200 BB max buy-in. This way, players will have enough chips to feel comfortable and won’t be forced into big decisions too early. It’ll help keep things fun and avoid too many all-in shoves, which can be common with shorter stacks. Plus, deeper stacks give the game a vibe more like the early stages of a tournament, which can be great for newer players!

        Don’t worry about higher-stakes players showing up to crash the party. The stakes you're planning are perfect for beginners, and they’ll be low enough that more experienced players won’t be interested in your game.

        Also, keep things simple at first. If you notice things starting to get a bit stale, you can spice it up with fun twists like straddles or bomb pots. You might think that won't happen, but over time, you'll probably find your game naturally evolving and adding new excitement!

        P.S. @synackca punches sharks right in the eye on a regular basis. LOL

          rtj3333 I got the same table. I like it, decent bang for the buck. But good lord is it heavy

          No kidding, it takes 2 people to move it.. It needs that weight to be stable but man it limits where I can stash it!!

          holychow I’d recommend going with a 200 BB max buy-in

          Yeah this sounds about right to me.

          Great insights, thanks for the feed back

          Please put me on the BANNED list for your games MrCaspan. Thank you!

          Im interested but not a fan of Whatapp. Defeats having this website?

          Hi Steve, I would be interested - sometimes I just need a night out to unwind - thx for getting it started Shawn

          Will be on here, others use WhatsApp not me for poker games

          I would be interested in some games. Maybe every other week. blind level are fine with me. thanks

          So you gonna throw out a date to get this started ?

          I'm pretty sure Wednesday works next week for me... Just saying.
