ManiaclikeMatusow;99354 wroteLemme clear some things up real quick...I DIDN'T play nor lose at the tournament...the reason I know things like they were having a dealer at the final table is cause I heard someone say it.
I guess I am asking to much though, you know actual poker tables and real dealers(professional or otherwise)
Have I been tournaments with over 100 players...yes. When I went they had dealers and poker tables. The name of the place is "The Training Room".
That's the type of shit i'm used to. I think there are ppl who would like to play at the West Side Poker Club, and that's's just not for me.
I think you mean bridges douche.
Webster's defines a 'club' as (2. a group of persons organized for a social, literary, athletic, political, or other purpose: They organized a computer club.)
Saying it is false to advertise this place as a club because there are no dealers or tables just shows how narrow-minded you are. I am pretty sure Westside is a poker club, a great one at that; where a group of people get together and play a solid level of poker and have a great time. I understand that you probably saw a game of poker being played on ESPN and figured for $65 it would be cool to sit at a table with pocket cams and dealers in cute little bowties. Unfortunately for you, the Westside tournament was probably a bumpy trip to reality and thus, you berated the people who work hard to run this great tournament every month.
If you had serious issues you could have manned up and talked to the tournament director face to face. But instead you hide behind your keyboard like a bitch and shit talk without revealing who you are. I don't know what is more sad, a guy who has an ego too big to play some of the best poker in southern ontario because there are no dealers; or a guy who hides in his house, pissing off and insulting a community without identifying himself.
I can't imagine what your friends must think of you. Maybe in highschool being anonymous and starting shit on the internet was cool, but are you not embarassed? Seriously, think about it. When you wake up and look in the mirrior what the fuck do you see? A man? Do you see the person your parents would be proud to call a product of their love? I doubt it. You are probably so filled with self loathe and inner hate that message board gangstering is an outlet that allows you to be everything you are not; confident, witty, sarcastic and brash.
If Westside isn't for you and if you didn't have the guts to complain in person when you were at the tournament, shut your mouth. Let us be. Let us do what we do and stop wasting our time. If you think you've got game, pm me and we'll set something up, you bitch.