A special invitation for FuckfacelikeMatusow.......
West Side Poker Club
Our 65.00 10,000 Chip Freeze Out (If Mike comes out he will of course be staked, people of his ilk should never pay for anything)
Here's how it is going to work. There is no re-buys and no add-ons. (Except of course for Mike, he is obviously allowed as many rebuys and add ons as he sees fit, we MUST impress him)
• Each pre-registered player will pay 65.00. (See above, tee hee don't tell anyone)
• Walk-ins will pay 75.00 (Suckers)
• Each player will receive 10 000 chips (Mike will receive 50,000, just cuz)
• Blinds will go up every 20 minutes The goal is to end the tournament between 9:30 and 10:30 pm, although we will have the hall till midnight.
• We will be looking to payout the top 10% players. (Mike will still get paid for his time, whether he makes the cash or not. $300 per hour for his appearance)
The date will be Saturday November 18, 2006. The doors open up at 11:00 am. Shuffle up and deal will be at 12:00 pm. We have room for 120 people. This tournament will be held in a hall between Kitchener and Guelph. (Of course, transportation will be provided free of charge for Mike, the Limo, including fully stocked bar, will arrive at your house at 11:30 am, if those lesser people have to wait for you so be it, they are afterall only pee ons compared to Mike)
Mike will only play on our feature table, a $25,000 custom built authentic table donated for our use by the Rio in Vegas. This table was last used as the final table in the 2006 WSOP ME. Jamie Gold's sweat stains are still in seat 4. Of course, this table will be given to Mike at the end of the day.
As always there will be a 2/4 NL ring game available with a min buy in of 60.00 and a max buy in of 300.00 (Mike will grace us with his presence and of course be given a starting roll of $5000)
Players must be pre-register here on the forum or at
Thank you Mike for taking the time to attend our event. Just for doing so, we have provided you a free trip to Vegas, $10,000 spending money, 1 week stay at Bellagio and a seat at the 2007 WSOP ME.
Your ever humble poker patrons,
Cameron and Brent
Westside Poker Club