QueenNine AcidJoe;98029 wroteAdd Aimee and I tentitively Brent. By the way you have MDS SOS and charlie down twice. Are you calling me fat?
AcidJoe STR82ACE;98067 wrotePlease add Max to your list. You remember Max...the S.O.B. that doesn't know when to fold. Really no one told me that before I pushed with a draw and he called me with bottom pair.
BigChrisEl AcidJoe;98069 wroteReally no one told me that before I pushed with a draw and he called me with bottom pair. Draw???? I thought you had 5-6 on a board of A-K-Q and Max had Q-2.
AcidJoe BigChrisEl;98164 wroteDraw???? I thought you had 5-6 on a board of A-K-Q and Max had Q-2. Yes but I had the 5 of hearts and the AQ were both hearts...... LOL
pkrfce9 Brent, turns out I won't be able to attend. Josh, I'll have to meet up with you somewhere else...
haddon Too bad, looks like it will be a great tourny! And I can't wait for some chicken and ribs ON YOU!!!
The Prophet 22 List is current. We are going to set up only the tables we need so it won't be so crowded. If you aren't on the list there is still time. Brent
The Prophet 22 We are push 60 players, just wanted let people know the lsit will be updated on Thursday. Brent
Larry L. Brent Reserve me a spot. I'm trying to work the saturday schedule so I can join the fun. Lots of folks where 'whining' that I did'nt bring 'wine' friday night so hopefully I'll be able to bring some saturday, it could get loud....I think Marios blonde beauty wants to do a taste test! The 'Wine Man' - Larry L.
AcidJoe Brent: Take me off the list. There is no way I'm going to be able to make it. Next one I"m in for sure.
Larry L. Hey Haddon I thought they had you locked up and threw away the key....! Next time I see you I'm going to put a extra big bar of soap in your huge bitchin mouth to see if we can clean some of the blah, blah, blah coming out of it. Your going down big guy....thats if you ever show up, cause you gots a bad habit of NOT SHOWING UP! The ever loving 'Wine Man' (Old Man)
haddon You old ass mother fucker. The smell of the shit spewing out of your mouth has me vomitting uncontrollably. My not showing up may have been a problem but I will show you up on Saturday. I may get busted but it will be long after you. Last longer bet??? Put your money where your mouth is.