all_aces identity revealed



  • all_aces wrote:
    Lol thanks guys, I'm pretty excited about August. I plan to do the following:

    - Travel to all the Ontario casinos, holding CPP. I'll ask to speak to the poker manager in each one, so I can tell them that their blind structures for their tournaments seriously, seriously suck.

    - Go to any Chapters/Indigo that stocks CPP and put the issues lined up along the front of the rack. Then, I'll stand there for awhile. (Sloth told me about that one, and it sounds great...) lol j/k

    - Casually read the issue just about everywhere I go.

    - Play a lot more casino poker.

    - Request not just to be on Off The Record, but demand a half-hour, one-on-one interview. It will end with me and Michael playing heads-up for five minutes, and then I'll get free sandwiches. Free HOT sandwiches.

    - If I think of anything else I'll let you know.


    tongue firmly in cheek.

    Dude, don't be so conservative. Don't forget to buy some custom tailered leather suits with matching hats in all different colours...And some gold chains too yo! Got's to look good! :D

    I'm stoked for you man.
  • esool wrote:
    What is this opening on OTR all about? Do you have the clip you can post?

    Yeah, I would also like the clip. I don't have TSN, so...
  • About that musical opening on OTR... least you guys have day jobs that pay. lol j/k
  • All_Aces:

    I'd like to see you sitting on the subway or in a coffee shop or somewhere public, holding the issue above your face as if you were reading it. When you feel you've attracted a weird look, slowly slide your face out from behind the magazine with a Devil's grin.

    Jeez, how did you get there, they didn't even have a home game to cover?
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