Poker Table Tournament - Confirmation Details

Hey guys,
Ive got all the materials and the table construction begins this weekend, and will likely be finished by mid next week at the latest. Ill keep the other thread open so I can post pics and what not.

THis thread Id like to use to start getting some confirmations from people who want to play for sure.

It looks like were going to be holding this one at the Airport Club. Ive been speaking with them and it looks both them and I are very interested in having it there. Holding it there is likely going to add about $10-15 to your buyin, but I think its worth it to hold the tourney in a nice place like that.

Originally I was thinking it would just be a 10 man tourney, but since AC has extra tables available, the more the merrier! Also, the more people who confirm they want to play, the lower the buyin is going to end up being.

As I posted earlier, the absolute MAXIMUM buyin will be 130-140. That still holds even with the small extra fees to go to the Airport Club. However, the table is already coming in under maximum budget, so expect your buyin to be less. And again, that max buyin is assuming 10 players, the more that play, the lower it drops per person. However, I think Id like to keep it to 20 players max just to keep everything easily organizable.

The tournament will be held on a Saturday afternoon/evening.

So anyone who is definitely interested in this, please post in this topic. If you have friends that want to come, that is ok. However, if interest in this is higher than I expected and more than 20 people want to play, Forum Members will get priority seating over friends of members. I doubt that should be a problem though.

Also, the winner will have to pick the table up FROM the airport club. Itll fit in most standard uhaul vans. The table top and pedestals come apart easily for transportation and reassemble easily at home.

Lastly, just to keep buyin costs at a min, Im thinking this will be a self-deal tournament. Is that ok with you guys? If not, I can get dealers, but again, that would add to the buyin, so its up to you guys.

So let me know here whos in. This will be considered the confimation thread. Ill list confimations at the bottom of this post.


1) ElElliot
2) BigChrisEl
4) Esool
5) Cristi
6) All Aces


  • I'm IN!!! Can't let the Elliotts play without SOME sort of competition!! :D

    Self dealing works just as well too.
  • Depending on the date, I'm interested.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Depending on the date, I'm interested.

  • all_aces wrote:
    pkrfce9 wrote:
    Depending on the date, I'm interested.


    What they said.
  • Been a couple of weeks, just wondering how things are coming with this. Are we going to get 10players to play for this handmade beautiful table?
  • Hey, sorry! I shouldve updated this more often.
    It looks like the date for the tournament is going to be Saturday the 22nd, the weekend AFTER the Easter weekend. This date was chosen with the help of the Airport Club to work around both the Easter Weekend, which will be busy for a lot of people, and some other tournaments being held there.

    The table is coming a long. I originally planned ot knock it out all at once, but now with the date planned for then, Im doing it more spread out.
    Ill snap some shots and get them up in the other thread.

    Im not really too worried about getting 10 players. We have half right now, and I have a feeling that with the date now known more will trickle in, and that as the table nears completion and I post up some pictures of it, more will sign on.

    So again, this tourney is going to be on Saturday April 22, the Saturday AFTER Easter Weekend.
  • Count me in for the 22nd.
  • I'm good for the 22nd
  • Should be good for me too, thanks to a change of dates from another function. Be good to see some of those pics too.
  • I'm pretty sure I won't be available on the 22nd. :'(
  • ryanhealy wrote:

    It looks like the date for the tournament is going to be Saturday the 22nd, the weekend AFTER the Easter weekend.

    So again, this tourney is going to be on Saturday April 22, the Saturday AFTER Easter Weekend.

    Sorry but I will not be able to make it. That is the same date as the WSPC tournament.

    Good luck all.
  • The WSPC tourney is on April 29th, not the 22nd.
  • ElElliott wrote:
    The WSPC tourney is on April 29th,  not the 22nd.

    Do you know who I am?? J.K. :)
    They have tourneys on both days. The 22nd is a rebuy tourney and the 29th is the heads up tourneys. You should've looked at my calendar first. :)
  • Is this still on for the 22nd as there hasn't been any info about this lately?
  • hey guys
    my bad! I havent been on the forum much lately as Ive had a ton of crap going on right now, building this table included.

    The tournament is still on. Im just waiting untilthe table is done to take pics, but if people really want to see them, I can post up some pics of the construction process. Its just in need of upholstry and some stain for the racetrack right now.

    Ryan Healy
  • So far only 5 players....unless we get more, the buy-in is going to be much higher than anticipated.
  • Yeah, I believe more players will come once I post pictures of the table compelted. However Im thinking that once those pics are up, itmay not be enough time for people to get in for sure.

    Im thinking about possibly pushing the tournament back one week to the following Saturday. What would everyone think about that?

    I had planned ot have the table done by now, but between my job, my night coures, and getting the business set up with the governmet, I just havent been finding the time Id have liked to.

    What would eveyrone think about pushing the tourney back to the following saturday, which would be April 29th? That way there would be time for me to get the completed pics up,which I believe would draw in enough players to bring the buyin down significantly.
  • Unfortunately, the 29th is not a good day for me. Doubt I can reschedule either at this time.
  • hmmmmmm ok
    what Im going to do is put up a poll

    we'll try and see what the best day is for the most people
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