!Read prior to posting in the advertising section! new changes to the rules.

Allowing anyone to post just about anything in here discounts the validity of reputable advertisers that pay to advertise their products and services to members of cpf.

-From now on there will be no posting of commercial sites for the purpose of sales or to acquire/solicit new players. This goes for ads of online poker rooms. Also for sites that serve little purpose other than to attract clicks on affiliate links.

-Ads which are allowed/deleted are at the discretion of the administrators/moderators.

How do I advertise with CPF?

contact admin@pokerforum.ca for banner advertisements or other opportunities on the site.

Will my old advertising posts be deleted?

this also is at the discretion of the admin/mods. If given the time to browse old posts, it's possible they will be removed.

As all rules, there are considerations that can be made. Members who not only post links to their business sites but also contribute to the community will likely be excempted and permitted to post commercial links both in the forums and on the homepage links section.




  • Thanks for the usefull Info
  • you're welcome. The object isn't to become a post nazi, but advertisers have been asking "why would i put a banner on your site if I can just post in your advertising section?" they raise a good point.
  • -From now on there will be no posting of commercial sites for the purpose of sales or to acquire/solicit new players. This goes for ads of online poker rooms, poker supplies (chips etc)

    I'm now not too clear on what IS allowed in the Advertising section. It seems like almost nothing.

    Are we going to maintain some kind fo master list of "approved" advertisers?

    Although I have already been regularly deleting threads like "Try out online poker site XYZ.com, and we'll send you a free barrel of fresh mackrel!", we currently have a LOT of advertising (which I previously thought was OK for the most part) of poker supplies for sale.

    IMO, there should also be a special task force for cracking down on excessive advertising of poker instructional DVDs.

  • ScottyZ wrote:
    IMO, there should also be a special task force for cracking down on excessive advertising of poker instructional DVDs.

    I wonder if Magi would be interested in this position? :D
  • I would like to encourage people to visit my site from yours & vice versa , would you be interested in advertising on my site ?
  • you're right scotty, I made an adjustment to the rule posting.
  • This goes for ads of online poker rooms. Also for sites that serve little purpose other than to attract clicks on affiliate links.

    Okay, gotcha.

    Now we're actually on the same page. I've already been deleting (many times with a banning) such posts, and will try to keep doing so.

  • If I have a deal on something from my supplies site that I think would benifet alot of players/table builders on here, is that appropriate for this section? I dont mean something like "2% off supplies for the next 100 people" but rather something outrageously cheap?
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