You're calling? Don't you know who the hell I am???



  • All I can say about your discussion on Junkies/Rounders and Bills/Dolphins is ROFLMAO. That, my friends, was some fine movie analysis. Poolhall Junkies' plot is PAPER THIN, so to even begin to critique it in any kind of serious way is pointless.

    And Keith, never let it be said that you sugarcoat things. Al, ditto. You guys kill me.

    About 'Last Casino', I'd watch it if I had TMN. It sounds maybe like a movie version of the book 'Bringing Down the House'? One of the actors was on OTR this morning so I shot the interview. I got the sense that it was about card counting. A fellow camera operator who knows I like poker came up afterwards and said: 'Hey you should like that movie!'. I politely told her that counting cards isn't really a factor in poker.

    I could have gone on about how you count 'outs' to determine pot odds, which is kind of the same thing, but I didn't feel like it. Or, I could have said that I count my cards to make sure I have two of them, or that I count the cards on the board to make sure there are five at the end, but that would make me an asshole, which I try not to be.

    How about this one?

    Anyone seen it/thinking about seeing/buying it? I can't get the trailer to download, and I have a feeling it's deliberate.... ie: it's meant to convey that they really WANT you to download a trailer, but unfortunately due to technical problems you can't, when in actual fact the movie is probably shot on someone's DV camera and looks like shit so they didn't actually bother putting a trailer together at all.

    Not a bad idea, if that's the case. My mind has already put together what the trailer *might* be like, and it looks great!!!

  • All I can say about your discussion on Junkies/Rounders and Bills/Dolphins is ROFLMAO. That, my friends, was some fine movie analysis. Poolhall Junkies' plot is PAPER THIN, so to even begin to critique it in any kind of serious way is pointless.

    This is my point. I mean, it's worth watching, but it isn't in anywhere near the same league as Rounders.
    And Keith, never let it be said that you sugarcoat things. Al, ditto. You guys kill me.

    Some people say that I am blunt...
    About 'Last Casino', I'd watch it if I had TMN. It sounds maybe like a movie version of the book 'Bringing Down the House'? One of the actors was on OTR this morning so I shot the interview. I got the sense that it was about card counting. A fellow camera operator who knows I like poker came up afterwards and said: 'Hey you should like that movie!'. I politely told her that counting cards isn't really a factor in poker.

    You work for TSN? You shoot Off The Record? That is AWESOME! I love that show. They have some of the best interviews with wrestlers that I have EVER seen anywhere. Did you get to meet Chris Benoit?
    I could have gone on about how you count 'outs' to determine pot odds, which is kind of the same thing, but I didn't feel like it. Or, I could have said that I count my cards to make sure I have two of them, or that I count the cards on the board to make sure there are five at the end, but that would make me an asshole, which I try not to be.

    Once I was talking to a friend and telling her about how I play poker. She asked me if I count cards. I said that that doesn't really help for poker.. maybe she was thinking of blackjack? She went into this story about how once she was playing poker for fun with some friends and she had this one friend who no one could beat, because she was counting cards. I asked her how couinting cards could be useful in poker... she didn't really have an answer, but she kept saying that no one could beat this person. I suspect that she was talking about stacking the deck, but I'm not completely sure.

    As far as blackjack and counting cards go, read this: (Yes, I DO spend all my spare time reading card player articles, and no, I DON'T have a life). Anyway I like most of Shapiro's articles... they are pretty funny for the most part. Quote from the article:
    And I won. No matter how erratically I played, I couldn’t lose. A spectator looked on in amazement. “Can you count cards?” he asked, whispering in my ear.

    “Sure, I can count cards,” I responded. “I have three, the dealer has two, and that man on my right has four.”

  • I politely told her that counting cards isn't really a factor in poker.

    Maybe the idea loosely applies to 7 card stud. (And maybe extremely loosely to some other games.) Which cards are dead or live in stud is kind of related to blackjack card counting.

    Of course, "counting cards isn't really a factor in poker" is probably still an excellent answer to give to a poker layperson. :)

  • You work for TSN?

    More like CTV, but CTV owns TSN, so yes, by extension.
    You shoot Off The Record? That is AWESOME! I love that show. They have some of the best interviews with wrestlers that I have EVER seen anywhere. Did you get to meet Chris Benoit?

    Lol yeah, I've been shooting it ever since it moved downtown into the CTV studios at Yonge and Davenport. I do the mini-jib... in other words, the 'floating' camera. It's a lot of fun, usually, and I do meet some interesting people. Unfortunately, I don't watch wrestling, but yes, I met Chris Benoit, et al. It's worth noting here that every single time a wrestler comes in, there is a group of about 20 teenagers who sit outside and wait for the limo, without fail. I mean no offence to wrestling fans, but you are not being well-represented by the likes of these kids... :wink: They remind me alternately of either Jay or Silent Bob.

    I haven't had a chance to read the article in the cardplayer link yet, but I'll probably get to it tonight. You've probably read the book 'Bringing Down the House' already, but if you haven't you really should. It's an AWESOME read. Even for people--like me--who don't particularly care for blackjack.

  • all_aces wrote:
    You work for TSN?

    More like CTV, but CTV owns TSN, so yes, by extension.
    You shoot Off The Record? That is AWESOME! I love that show. They have some of the best interviews with wrestlers that I have EVER seen anywhere. Did you get to meet Chris Benoit?

    Lol yeah, I've been shooting it ever since it moved downtown into the CTV studios at Yonge and Davenport. I do the mini-jib... in other words, the 'floating' camera. It's a lot of fun, usually, and I do meet some interesting people. Unfortunately, I don't watch wrestling, but yes, I met Chris Benoit, et al. It's worth noting here that every single time a wrestler comes in, there is a group of about 20 teenagers who sit outside and wait for the limo, without fail. I mean no offence to wrestling fans, but you are not being well-represented by the likes of these kids... :wink: They remind me alternately of either Jay or Silent Bob.

    I haven't had a chance to read the article in the cardplayer link yet, but I'll probably get to it tonight. You've probably read the book 'Bringing Down the House' already, but if you haven't you really should. It's an AWESOME read. Even for people--like me--who don't particularly care for blackjack.


    1. Your job kicks ass.

    2. Silent Bob kicks ass.

    3. You should watch "An evening with Kevin Smith". It's very funny. Even if you're not a big fan of his movies (and I'm not... I liked Dogma, but Clerks was painfully stupid and Jay & Silent Bob strikes back was the 2nd worst movie I've ever paid to see), Smith is VERY funny and has some great stories. I like the one about when he was asked to write the Superman movie, with the giant spider.

    4. I dunno why I'm numbering everything today.

    5. Chris Benoit is a guy who you can really respect. He is a great technical wreslter, and did not change his style to try to become more popular by "pandering to the masses". He just worked hard for 18 years and now he is on top. I think that him and Bret Hart are the two best wrestlers of all time (no coincidence that they were both trained by Bret's dad, Stu), and, if anything, Benoit's lack of an attitude problem gives him a bit of an edge over Bret (althought NOBODY could carry an inferior wrestler like Bret... that was his strength... he could wrestle ANYONE and make them look great)

  • I own Poolhall Junkies on DVD. Walken owns that movie. The main character, actor/producer Mars Callahan, wasn't a pro but he played a lot. He might've been a hustler at one point in his life because he does know how to move the rock in real life. This movie is a lot like Rounders minus the great cast.

    The one hustle near the beginning I liked was the "I can drink my two pints of beer before you can fire down both of your shots, but let me finish my first beer to be fair" bet. The trick at the end where he pays for the other guy's shot is genius.
  • Jay wrote:
    I own Poolhall Junkies on DVD. Walken owns that movie. The main character, actor/producer Mars Callahan, wasn't a pro but he played a lot. He might've been a hustler at one point in his life because he does know how to move the rock in real life. This movie is a lot like Rounders minus the great cast.

    It's not, though. Rounders has a plot. Rounders has an ending. In short, Rounders was well-written.

    Poolhall junkies was a pretty good idea for a movie IMO, and it certainly had some good moments (pretty much all thanks to Walken), but overall I thought that it was pretty weak. Poorly written and poorly directed.

    Oh, and I like the guy's black "Hustler" shirt. I'd definitely wear that to play pool if I wasn't so laughably bad.

  • Okay, I agree that P.J. was poorly written. I like it because I found most of it to be enjoyable. Rounders easily exceeds it in almost all aspects.
  • all_aces wrote:
    You work for TSN?

    More like CTV, but CTV owns TSN, so yes, by extension.

    Hey, I've always wondered about this. Does Lloyd Robertson look that funny in real life, or is that just a camera trick?


  • Hey, I've always wondered about this. Does Lloyd Robertson look that funny in real life, or is that just a camera trick?

    LOL. I honestly can't answer that, Scotty. They shoot news in a completely different building on the other side of town, and I've always made it my business to try and stay away from there.

    As for an educated guess, I can't offer one in the interests of diplomacy.


  • NAME: Tauri (Taurius
    AGE: 27
    RESIDING: St. Catharines

    SINGLE/MARRIED: Single - but living with gf
    WHAT WORK DO YOU DO: Student Brock University (BBA graduate, MBA Student) - HEY JAY....we have a great home game going here if you are interested.

    POKER TENURE: Starting playing 3 years ago

    HOW DID YOU START: Started in a home game, then found the internet and Brantford Charity Casino...

    FAVORITE GAME: Limit HE - $10-20 BM

    LIVE OR ON-LINE: Both, enjoy live more, but the drive and wait sux

    BEST POKER MOMENT: WInning an 800 player freeroll multi on early on for $50 US to get started

    HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS SITE: Reading some blog somewhere

    FAVORITE PRO-PLAYER: None - Maybe Danny N....go CANADA


    SPORTS-BETTING: Who cares

    FAVORITE POKER MOVIE: Rounders, The Sting

    PS> Any guys in the area interested in a home game let me know....during the school year we have a rotating group of 15 guys that play once a week $40 buy in.... email me at
  • Hey, do I know you?

    Judging by your information, I have no idea who you are.
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