Dave' Scharf's Book: Question

Hi Dave, everyone,

Dave, how 'beginner' oriented is your book? I find your posts very useful, and enjoyable, and am considering buying your book. However, I probably don't want it if it is more for beginners. If I have (and have read) SuperSystem 1 and 2, Hellmuth's book, carsons holdem book, and caro's book of tells, should I bother with your book?
Thanks a lot Dave



  • It is an introductory book. I think there are a few thinkgs in there that you do not find in other beginners books. Specifically, I think my player classification system is a good place to start your own work.
  • I found the book, totally misplaced at a very big book store near my office. Some might think it is the worlds's biggest book store...

    It was 9.99 plus an extra 10% off with a member discount. With tax, under 10 bucks.

    It is a bit of a beginner book. But there are nuggets in there. I read it through once. It is not a long read. I'll read it again. It is very well written and easy to understand. I've read a lot of poker books. This one would have been better to read earlier on I think. It covers limit hold'em and 7-card stud as I recall. I didn't spend much time on the 7-card stud part.

    I really like the starting hands guide. Very simple and easy to remember. A well-known wise ass here poo-poos the idea of starting hand guides but I think most will find it helpful. I'm not sure why you'd even need a jenga block to remember it. Q, 9-9 is all you really need to remember.

    Dave, you must be up to 41,010 by now.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:

    A well-known wise ass here poo-poos the idea of starting hand guides but I think most will find it helpful. I'm not sure why you'd even need a jenga block to remember it. Q, 9-9 is all you really need to remember.

    If that remark was directed towards me, I would like to know you who you are and what cause I have given you to say that I am "A well known wise ass"?. As a matter of fact I know that we have only met once and that you don't know me at all. So, if upon our meeting at Brent's tournament I have done something to make you call me a "wise ass", I would like to know what it was.

    Nowhere did I "poo-poo" the idea of the starting hands that Dave listed, as they have worked wonders for me at the LL games at Rama, you should go back and read my post about the Jenga trip. There were however 2 gentlemen at my table that remarked that they were to tight. The quote was "They both agreed that the hands were to tight for LL at Rama." Which happened in a conversation between themselves. Here is the link so you can re-read it.


    And as for the JENGA Block, it is a reminder to me not to stray from the hands, as my memory is fine, it is my impulse that needs to be checked. And it also works to my advantage because some of the other "wise ass's" out there seem to think that a JENGA Block makes for easy pickins.
  • If I be so bold as to enter the frey here...

    Rob, I believe that pkrfce9 may have been referring to another member of the forum as the "well-known wise ass". If you re-read the post, you will find a period between this statement and the reference to the jenga block. I believe that these are in fact two different thoughts about two different things that were mentioned in the same paragraph.

    I gotta say that Dave's starting hand guide is easy to commit to memory. I also think that you have found a physical form of reminding yourself of the guide to keep away "Rammy". I say, bravo dude, if it feels good do it. (This is not intended to be man flirting)

    Finally, if I am out of line here, I apologize. I just want everyone to get along.
  • rgspence wrote:
    If that remark was directed towards me, I would like to know you who you are and what cause I have given you to say that I am "A well known wise ass"?. As a matter of fact I know that we have only met once and that you don't know me at all. So, if upon our meeting at Brent's tournament I have done something to make you call me a "wise ass", I would like to know what it was.
    Woah, down boy. Definitely not directed at you. You are correct. We did meet once and I have no idea if you are wise or not.

    I made reference the jenga story because I thought it was funny.

    Thanks, boxcard, for jumping in there...
  • Get the book and read it! If you can get one thing out of any poker book it is worth the buy. You will definatley get something out of Dave's book.
  • No problem, I just wanted to make sure that I really hadn't done anything to piss you off to consider me a wise ass. I re-read the post that boxcard was talking about and know see what you meant. I know that my post sounded agressive, it was meant t sound more curious then anything. Besides, I have been known to piss people off without knowing I've done it. :D Just wanted to make sure that you weren't one of them.
  • I guess I misinterpreted your post, too.

    I thought we got on well at Brent's tourney. I believe we have different playing styles but I have no problem with that.

  • Dave's book is definitely primarily geared towards the beginner. I think it is one of the best poker books out there for someone just starting out. Even so, I think it probably still has value for more experienced players too.

    I picked up the book, and consider myself to be an advanced low-limit player. I personally think Dave's book was worth getting. Sure there is a good amount of material that an intermediate or advanced low-limit player can skim over quickly, but I still think that there several good ideas for even high level poker players to think about.

    In fact, I spent a lot of time going over his starting hand guide which is intended for beginning players. The purpose (for me) was not that I felt that my own starting hand guide needed tweaking, but I really got to thinking about why I play certain hands, and why a beginner should probably not be playing some of the hands that I do play which were not on Dave's list. (For example, a beginning LL player will never fold Kd 7d in a million years if the flop comes K93 with two clubs and no diamond.) This really shed a lot of light on the exact kinds of errors I need to avoid on the flop when I start venturing farther outside the "safer" range of starting hands.

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