U Can Now Get Another Free Set

i see at pokersourceonline.com that you can now get more than 1 set of chips per household now.

so if you have a roomie, or spouse, or sibling, live-in auntie who wants a set of chips, he/she can sign up now. but they need to play 2x the raked hands.

could be helpful info for somebody...

also, looks promising for being able to sign up for empire and party...which could score u a 2nd set



  • there is a Canadian version of that deal starting very, very soon.
  • that will be EXCELLENT!!!
    (especially if u could figure out a way for existing members to get in on it :wink: )
  • Sloth, whats your plan for the Canadian version? I am currently thinking of taking advantage of the Party Poker promo, but if you have something happening, I am more than happy to wait an support a local Canadian business. I currenlty only have limited experience with online poker, and don't really want to open accounts all over the place.

    Let me know

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