Bizarre hand

NL Hold'em $10 Buy-in  + $1 Entry Fee  Level:2 Blinds(15/30) PartyPoker
7 players remaining
Hero in MP with $1330 won a pot of $800 with KQs hitting my flush on the river
Villain in SB with $2480 LAG doubled up on the first hand, he's kind of bullying the table at the moment with selective agression. Seems to be decent and observant...

Dealt to Hero [  T :s: 8 :s: ]

2 fold
Hero calls [30] too marginal?
Raiser raises [60]
1 folds
Villain calls [45]
BB calls [30]
Hero calls [30]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 3 :d:, 4 :s:, J :s: ] Good flop for me...
Villain bets [30]
BB calls [30]
Hero calls [30] Do you raise here?
Raiser calls [30]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 6 :c: ]
Villain bets [90] What could he have?
BB folds
Hero calls [90]
Raiser folds
** Dealing River ** [ 7 :s: ] Bingo...well...
Villain is all-In  [2300]



  • I would call.

    Calling pre-flop is fine. The blinds move fast in Party SNG's, so you're going to have to get involved in some hands in the early stages of these tourneys.

    I definitely would not raise on the flop. I'll go ahead and take a free/cheap card with a drawing hand here. Playing a low buy-in SNG, I'd be much less inclined to make plays like semi-bluffs when presented with the opportunity to play a draw in the "usual" way. That is, if it looks like I have the right odds to continue with the draw, I call.

    On the turn, your opponent could have just about anything. That's the trouble with LAG players really. Lucky for you, it hardly matters what your opponent has at this point. You have another easy call (I still wouldn't raise) due to the bet and pot sizes.

    Seems like a clear call on the river against a player who has already shown that he has some bluff in him.

  • With blinds at 15/30, I'd have thrown the hand away in early position pre-flop especially since you mention buddy was bullying.
    Its unlikely you are going to get to limp in, so, i'd have mucked pre-flop.

    You put your extra 30 into a pot of 180 after the raise and the calls and are the last player in.

    You hit 4 to your flush, probably the best case scenario for 810s.

    I'd think Villain is making a feeler bet (too small in my opinion) as 30 into a pot of 180, most would have the odds to call.  
    He could have a J and wanted to see what he was up against.  
    You don't have anything yet, and are drawing to what would be the 4th best flush if in fact there are other's holding two s.
    You are in and have 4 to your flush, I assume this is what you wanted, so, call the 30.

    Turn- no help- Pot is 330, Villain bets 90 pot is now 420
    so, you are getting 4-1 on your money, if a spade falls, I assume you think your flush is good, once you are here, i'd have called the 90.

    River- you make your flush, best case scenario

    I'd believe is 2300 bet into a pot of 510 is a huge overbet, I wouldn't put him on 2 spades, probably AJ considering his pre-flop raise and smallish bet on the flop.

    Once here, I'd have called.

    That said, I would have mucked pre-flop, but, i'm a tight SOB.
  • The bizarre part of the hand is the massive over-bet on the river, the river card has brought an easy straight and a flush on the board.  Perhaps he has played his over-pair brutally or just trying to get you off the pot with his huge bet.  I'm not sure what he thinks you have at this point, you have just called him the whole way down.  It would be clear to me you were most likely chasing something....anyway, I would say this is an easy call but just because of how bizarre his river bet is, I'm sure I would 'timebank' for about 5 seconds and call.  What would you have done if you had made the straight on the river instead of the flush with the same board?  I think I still call here.

  • Looks like you have a few questions:

    1/ Pre-flop call - not terrible. My only issue is you have a number of players to act behind you. If a big raise comes, you've thrown away 30. Your stack is ok so 30 is not a huge issue.

    2/ Raising with nothing but a weak flush draw on the flop - no I wouldn't do that. Are you trying to win it now or build the pot?  I'd want to hit my flush as cheap as you can. The villain's bet is very strange. It is not likely to scare people out (but maybe he doesn't want to scare them out...) The only people who will fold are those who have completely missed the flop and don't have overcards or an overpair. Doesn't seem like he's trying to protect against a flush.

    3/ What could the villain have on the turn - maybe an overpair, straight, set, top pair, two pair, overcards, a draw. Anything really. Again his bet doesn't make sense if he is trying to protect against a flush or straight. So I'd guess he's just trying to get you to fold. It's always possible he's got Ax of spades and he's happy to take the pot now, or build it if he hits the river.

    4/ What to do on the river - be careful not to sprain your wrist pushing your chips to the pot. There are 3 higher flushes. If he hit one, you gotta pay him off. But he totally misplayed the river, unless he's banking on a lower flush or straight paying him off. To me, that is flawed thinking. With a high flush, he wants a call and should price it accordingly. If he's now decided to bluff out weak flushes or straights, he put waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much money in to get the job done. Then again, he may be much more savvy then we give him credit for.

    I'd say he's a fish who totally misplayed the hand. Reel him in. What was the result?
  • The bet looks out of line. Why would he push with a flush? Usually you want callers with a flush....I would have to say he is trying to represent the flush or has the nuts. Regardless I would call, but watch out for A2 spaids.

  • me weak tight or whatever but I folded. I just conviced my self that he was milking me in an original way with the nuts...maybe I gave him to much credit for being good.

    I figure he knew what I was waiting for on the river and tried to take me down...more I think of it...and with your analyses, I think I see a straight or a smaller flush more often here....or even a pure bluff, but I don't think he was that crazy for that...Like I said, he was picking good spots...and 30 seconds is sometimes not enough...) well maybe next time....

    I ended up winning the SNG it's not that bad :) I know, poker is all about making the best decision (maybe it was :D), but I felt that with $1150 or so in chip I was still able to make a good run...

    Bad thinking?

    And let say I only have ~$400 left on the river, is it just me or it's a way easier call?

    Thx for the feedback guys
  • I think you gave him too much credit.

    Congrats on winning it, but, I would either throw it away pre-flop or be willing to call the bet when you make the hand you were hoping for.
  • Sometimes, very occasionally, I try the move you were affraid of in sit'n'gos. If I flop the nuts, I'll massively overbet the pot hoping that, a) There is a player with a made but weaker hand, who, for a lot of players online will overvalue it in the situation and often make the call, even with as little as middle pair in some occasions. or b) Someone will just see the massive overbet and think I'm trying to steal.

    However, as fun as it is when it works, Id say the majority of the time I try it, I just end up pushing the other players out whereas if I hadn't tried it, I could've at least taken some more chips from them. Thus, I don't try it very often.

    So I guess if you've got a strong read on your opponent as someone who would do this, then you could justify the fold. In your case however, with the flush, and the structure of the Party SnGs (you need a big increase in chips early on to combat the rapid rapid blind structure), I'd make the call. Youve got a strong hand that could beat a LOT of other hands, and if you win the hand, you'd be doing yourself a big favour towards winning the tourney. So I'd probably call there. If hes got a better flush so be it, but in general, the faster the blinds structure in a tournament, the more you have to be willing to gamble.
  • Dealt to Hero [ T 8 ]

    2 fold
    Hero calls [30] too marginal? UTG limp with a 1 gapper???
    Raiser raises [60]
    1 folds
    Villain calls [45]
    BB calls [30]
    Hero calls [30]
    ** Dealing Flop ** [ 3 , 4 , J ] Good flop for me... great flop for you... your now the favorite...
    Villain bets [30]
    BB calls [30]
    Hero calls [30] Do you raise here? Yeah you should be raising
    Raiser calls [30]
    ** Dealing Turn ** [ 6 ]
    Villain bets [90] What could he have? Guessing AJ,KJ,QJ maybe a pocket pair.. he's prolly just being aggressive and betting out......
    BB folds
    Hero calls [90] <---- since you called flop calling here is good your no longer the favorite.....
    Raiser folds
    ** Dealing River ** [ 7 ] Bingo...well... <
    Well to Play T8s your hoping to make a str8 or flush.. You've made it!! Gratz...
    Villain is all-In [2300]

    Hero? Your committed.. call!
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