Do you trash talk back?

Just a question  - when playing on line do you trash talk back?
Last night I was playing a two table $20 buy in
Halfway through tourney - I am mid stacked, and blinds are $150 - $300
Quick replay - I am in the BB - 2 limpers, I check
Flop two pair (6, 4) (rainbow flop)
Check to me - I make a $300 bet, both call
Make a boat on the turn when another 4 comes
UTG bets $500, SB calls, I re raise all in
UTG calls, SB folds, UTG shows pocket rockets
he gets no help on the turn and I cripple him
He then begins to rip on me - calling me a donkey, guys like me are the reason he rarely plays on line anymore, he was hoping $20 buy in gets rid of players like me, what was I doing in the hand anyway

I ended up responding and trying to defend my play - but realized it was a waste of time, and wish I just ignored it

So how do you usually handle - flame back or just ignore


  • haha.. sounds like that guy is a $1 tourney regular who reads 2+2 but doesn't actully understand anything..

    Anyway, I tend to call people muffins and leave it at that.
  • turn off chat, if possible and email tournament director. He
    will 'strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger'  :D
  • Generally speaking, I don't bother getting into verbal sparring matches, as they're a waste of time.  That said, in this case I would have pointed out that he didn't raise with his aces, and you were the big blind...what are you supposed to do, fold when you can see the flop for free?

    If someone starts excessively complaining about suckouts, bad calls, etc, I will type "Phil?  Is that you?" in reference to Phil Hellmuth.  That usually shuts them up, as they realize they sound like a baby. :)
  • just reply, sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.

    You want this guy to play with you again.

    Usually I'll just ignore though.
  • Great - thanks for the input
    BTW - my response was that he was a dumbass for not raising with pocket rockets, and then an even dumber ass for not re-raising after the flop
    He then continued to flame away, and busted out two hands later
  • Sounds like an SNG on pacific last night. Guy named nonymous whined the whole tourney about some other guy's play. Once it started, I recalled playing in another SNG with him previously. Same guy, same stupid plays. Then whining.
  • I had the same kind of situation the other day in a sit n go (see below). He kept rambling about how I was fishing and I was trying to tell him that he should've bet more. I told him I had an OESD and he bet $50 into a $300 pot. He seemed to seriously think that he was right. I really shouldn't have educated him but oh well. I guess it's probably best to just ignore them...

    Dealt to twosnaces [ Qs, Jd ]
    mbrockballs raises (100) to 100
    monthra folds.
    littleflash folds.
    arl39c folds.
    woworry1 folds.
    pokerpro105 folds.
    twosnaces calls (75)
    Bamonte1 calls (50)
    ** Dealing Flop ** :  [ Kh, 8d, Th ]
    twosnaces checks.
    Bamonte1 bets (50)
    mbrockballs calls (50)
    twosnaces calls (50)
    ** Dealing Turn ** :  [ 3s ]
    twosnaces checks.
    Bamonte1 bets (50)
    mbrockballs folds.
    twosnaces calls (50)
    ** Dealing River ** :  [ Qd ]
    twosnaces checks.
    Bamonte1 checks.
    ** Summary **
    Main Pot: 550
    Board: [ Kh 8d Th 3s Qd  ]
    twosnaces balance 1725, bet 200, collected 550, net +350 [ Qs Jd ] [ a pair of queens -- Kh,Qs,Qd,Jd,Th ]
    Bamonte1 balance 1080, lost 200 [ 2h 8h ] [ a pair of eights -- Kh,Qd,Th,8h,8d ]
  • If a sharp witty comeback doesn't stop them, I remind them that ALL chat windows are logged and can easily be accessed by support if there are any complaints from the table. That usually shuts them up. Unless they are stupid enough to "not" believe me, then I let them rant for awhile longer, and then rat them out. lmao

    Why do some people seem to think they can act like they are at their own home? It's no different than being at a casino. It is a business, and therefore rules apply. Simple.
  • twosnaces wrote:
    I had the same kind of situation the other day in a sit n go (see below). He kept rambling about how I was fishing and I was trying to tell him that he should've bet more. I told him I had an OESD and he bet $50 into a $300 pot. He seemed to seriously think that he was right. I really shouldn't have educated him but oh well. I guess it's probably best to just ignore them...

    Bamonte1 balance 1080, lost 200 [ 2h 8h ] [ a pair of eights -- Kh,Qd,Th,8h,8d ]
    wow this guy had a monster [ 2h 8h ] :D
  • scotsrule wrote:
    Quick replay - I am in the BB - 2 limpers, I check
    Flop two pair (6, 4) (rainbow flop)
    I laugh my ass off at them.
    Call him an idiot
    Then proceed to continueally verbally abusing them about how bad they played that hand.
    No matter what they say, they can't tilt me because nothing "I" did was wrong, they let me play the hand, they let me catch up, and THEY bet into ME when I had a MONSTER.
    Then ... laugh some more :D

    Sorry guys, I AM a dick online, but only back to idiots such as what was outlined here.
  • Another kind of trash talk I've witnessed before is idiots telling what their hole cards are ..... they're usually lying, but it's frustrating nonetheless when some jackass keeps going all in saying he has AA..... like 7 times in a row. Any interesting ways of dealing with these pinheads?
  • Any interesting ways of dealing with these pinheads?

    Hey come on now - you don't have to call people names :'(
  • I will usually needle a little bit if it is an overly aggressive player... easier to put him on tilt, and than hammer away at him when I think I have the best of it.  :D
    Another kind of trash talk I've witnessed before is idiots telling what their hole cards are ..... they're usually lying, but it's frustrating nonetheless when some jackass keeps going all in saying he has AA..... like 7 times in a row. Any interesting ways of dealing with these pinheads?

    I believe if a person tells you his hole cards, and than you find out they are exactly that, you can report that to online mgmt (I think?)
    If they just keep going all in, lay in wait with a monster hand and call...  You might be beaten by fluke, but you sometimes gotta draw the line right?
  • I agree. It gets real interesting when you call.
  • Pinhead wrote:
    Any interesting ways of dealing with these pinheads?

    Hey come on now - you don't have to call people names  :'(

    doh..... sorry .......... meant to say phukkers.
  • Pinhead wrote:
    Any interesting ways of dealing with these pinheads?

    Hey come on now - you don't have to call people names  :'(
    it's ok you're just Pinhead...he was talkin' about Pinheads  :D;)
    LMAO :P
  • All I reply with is the Mike Tyson line- " I will eat your kids"

    after stating that line about 3 or 4x after each of their whining sentances, usually they are so annoyed or caught off guard that they just never say another word, lol
  • or just throw in the old "UPLC" :D

    you guys remember "UPLC" ? :D
  • or just throw in the old "UPLC" :D

    you guys remember "UPLC" ? :D

    I thought it was "YPLC"
  • Nice catch from the big blind, and yeah, you have full rights to flame back at him. So badly played, limping with Aces, to try and get action. If he's going to start ripping into me for something like this, its a great time to flame back.

    As for a little talk, i like to give the "nh" to a players who hits his crap after he calls raises, hoping he's thinking its sincere and did actually play it right.... Keep calling buddy, and eventually i'll get my cards.

    How can it be illegal to say what your hole cards are, while you're still in the hand? I'm just asking, I don't know for sure. Great little trick to play to entice or scare off a call. If i'm holding AA, and want a call, tell'em you got pocket Aces... Though they might only work once..

  • How can it be illegal to say what your hole cards are, while you're still in the hand?   I'm just asking, I don't know for sure.    Great little trick to play to entice or scare off a call.    If i'm holding AA, and want a call, tell'em you got pocket Aces...     Though they might only work once..   

    I don't think it's illegal, more like poor table etiquette....... and really annoying.
  • boxcard wrote:
    or just throw in the old "UPLC" :D

    you guys remember "UPLC" ? :D

    I thought it was "YPLC"
    You Play Lousy Cards?
  • You played like crap!

    Sadly, I've used this on numerous occasions and no one has ever asked me what it meant.
  • How can it be illegal to say what your hole cards are, while you're still in the hand? I'm just asking, I don't know for sure. Great little trick to play to entice or scare off a call. If i'm holding AA, and want a call, tell'em you got pocket Aces... Though they might only work once..

    If you are in a tournament, revealing information about your hand is not allowed since it can manipulate the action in a way that could hurt some of your opponents.

    Giving away information (even false information) about your hole cards hurts you and helps your active opponents. Players can deduce a lot of things about your hand simply due to the fact that you've said something, no matter what it actually is that you have said. However, the information you put out there may hurt the opponents which are not active. Specifically, your comment may reduce the chances that one or more of the active players gets busted, which (in general) hurts every other player in the tournament.

    In most (serious) cash games, discussing hole cards is also discouraged. While the reasons for not allowing discussing or showing hole cards are pretty clear cut in tournaments, it's more open for debate whether these kinds of things should be allowed in cash games. My opinion is that these should not be allowed in a (serious) cash game.

  • twosnaces wrote:
    You played like crap!

    Sadly, I've used this on numerous occasions and no one has ever asked me what it meant.

    I always say, "You're so good - you figure it out"
  • boxcard wrote:
    or just throw in the old "UPLC" :D

    you guys remember "UPLC" ? :D

    I thought it was "YPLC"
    yeah i think you're right :D
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